A year later, in April 2010, the brand Me Luna will be distributed in France. In sharp growth, sales are exploding in 2013 on the French and European markets (more than 500,000 Me Luna menstrual cups are sold worldwide to date) .The reasons why Me Luna menstrual cups are so successful are the diversity of its products: the brand Me Luna is the only one to offer 4 sizes (S, M, L and Xl) and three different levels of flexibility (Classic, Sport, Soft).
This brand of menstrual cups cares about the comfort of its users: Me Luna develops models that adapt as much as possible to the morphology of girls and women. In addition, Me Luna menstrual cups are girly: its many colors (blue, blue / purple, cyan, colorless, yellow, orange, black, red, pink, green, purple) appeal to both women and teenagers. Finally, in her range of menstrual cup , Me Luna offers 4 different rods: ring, ball, stem and basic (without any stem).
Me Luna's menstrual cups have also gained significant recognition thanks to their quality / price ratio. Produced in Germany and not in Asia, menstrual cups are severely controlled by the brand and enjoy an attractive price compared to other brands. Confidence in this brand is de rigueur: the composition (the TPE , elastomer specially developed for the manufacture of medical and surgical products ) menstrual cups is displayed in full transparency unlike cheaper menstrual cups produced in Asia.
Finally, the Me Luna brand has many certifications: FDA K140626 certification (Although menstrual cups are classified as an intimate hygiene product in France, Me Luna has had its menstrual cups certified by the FDA as a medical product.), Certifications ISO 10993-10 (irritation and skin sensitization tests) and ISO10993-11 (Systemic toxicity tests), Alkylphenol-free TPE certificate, Colorants Certification 2002-95-EC 2002-72-EC , ISO 9001-2008
The Me Luna menstrual cup models are: Me Luna Classic model and Me Luna Sport model .
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