Cosmetic hydrosols Herbes et Traditions

Herbes et Traditions proposes a range of Hydrolates containing hydrolats and floral waters intended for natural cosmetics.

Just like essential oils, floral waters and cosmetic hydrolates also have many virtues.

The hydrolates also called "Waters of flowers" are extracted from the plants thanks to the process of steam distillation.

They contain the natural active ingredients of plants and are particularly recommended for the daily care of the face, the body ...

In the same way that each essential oil is unique and different from the other essential oils, each floral water will have properties and virtues different from other floral waters.

Cosmetic floral waters are extracted from many plants that all offer different benefits. Among the best known, we find:

- The chamomile floral water particularly recommended for sensitive skin and its soothing virtues

- The floral water of witch hazel restores radiance to the skin by purifying and softening it

- Blueberry Floral Water Ideal for Circled and / or Bloated Eyes

How to use hydrolates and floral waters Herbs and Traditions?

The application of a cosmetic floral water is simply done with a cotton on a cleansed skin.
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