Aagaard Propolis

Aagaard Propolis : Discover products
The story of Aagaard begins when Danish biologist K. Lund Aagaard receives a beehive of 60,000 bees as a farewell gift when he leaves office in 1955.

Twelve years later, Mr Aagaard is experimenting with the health benefits of propolis : suffering from sore throat, he has the idea of diluting powdered propolis in warm water and using it mixture in gargle. The next day, his pain was gone. Subsequently, he does other tests on himself but also on his relatives and in many cases.

Each time, propolis is useful. The biologist decides to extend his research. Between 1967 and 1974, he conducted five major series of tests on nearly 1600 people.

Over the years, his discoveries have earned him worldwide recognition. He coordinates international research for the standardization of highly purified propolis preparations. It was then that Mr Aagaard developed the quality Propolin® , a mix of propolis from several continents, rich in flavonoids. Obtained from purified raw propolis according to a process invented by Aagaard, the Propolin® quality guarantees you a propolis free of heavy metals, pesticides or even radioactive substances.

For over 40 years now, Aagaard has been developing Propolin®-based products to treat everyday ailments.

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