Gel Hydroalcoolique - flacon pompe, 100 ml

from Hand Cleaner
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Gel Hydroalcoolique 72% d'alcool - flacon pompe- hand cleaner vous permettra de vous désinfecter les mains avec facilité

Indispensable for your travels

In the absence of water and soap (for example in public transport), the hydroalcoholic gel is the ideal solution for washing your hands and avoiding human-to-human contamination.

Formulated with 72% alcohol, Hand Cleaner hydroalcoholic gel is packaged in a small 100 ml flip-flop bottle. A practical format that we advise you to take with you when traveling to protect yourself quickly and effectively from the risk of contamination.

Did you know? To provide optimal effectiveness, a hydroalcoholic hand washing solution should contain at least 60% alcohol.


Covid-19 pandemic :
Adequate protective measures include washing or disinfecting hands several times a day and in particular in the following cases: after blowing your nose, sneezing or coughing, after passing through a collective environment (public transport, meeting place , public activity, community life, ...) and after having been in contact with surfaces or objects potentially contaminated by one or more people affected or likely to be affected by the virus.


Place a dose of hydroalcoholic gel in the palm of your hands and rub them against each other (as for washing with soap and water).
It is important to respect a friction time of at least about 30 seconds, until the hands are dry.
Do not rinse.


Denatured alcohol, distilled water, glycerin, cabomer, TEA, menthol, eucalyptus essential oil, hydrogen peroxide.

Special precautions

In case of contact with eyes, wash off with clean water.


100 ml bottle with flapper cap.

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  • Comment (1) -
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    Gel Hydroalcoolique - flacon pompe
    45-55 years Gender
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    Bonne senteur et efficace
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