Nutritional Strategy for Chronic Diseases
My Plate Balance is an adaptation of the plate Ressourçante described in Real Foods for victims of chronic diseases or autoimmune diseases.
This book includes antiinflammatory type of strategy, similar to Cure Anti-fatigue the same author. However, the plan back to Calm, unlike the cure, can be extended over a fortnight.
Personal settings such as food sensitivities, multiple chemical sensitivities, unstable blood sugar or insulin resistance, intestinal dysbiosis, together with the motivation of the eater and its vital state, will choose the nutrition strategy.
The book will help the chronically ill in search of well-being natural to define, if necessary accompanied by a coach or a therapist, a coherent strategy to maximize their food choices, from classic French cuisine to up Seignalet to plan or Cretan diet.
Taty, Volume 2 - My Balance Plate, to end the pain, Editions Amyris, Topos Taty Collection, 208 pages, 15x21 cm This site contains a significant amount of information. This is not a medical site. The exempted reflections, can never be a substitute for a consultation with a doctor or therapist that you return for your follow-up contact.