For smart cosmetic, D. Baudoux

from Amyris
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And plant essential oils on the skin, through the skin and beyond the skin.

Treat your skin with essential oils and vegetable oils

Interview Dominique Baudoux: Cosmetics Intelligent

True to the passion that feeds and animates every day, Dominique Baudoux, through this book, gives us his expertise on the contribution of essential oils in the field of dermocosmetics. The exclusive advantage of essential oils is their affinity for the skin tissue they adopt, they penetrate, they protrude to act in the depths of being. From there, it is obvious: the essential oils chemotyped are the advantages of an intelligent dermocosmetic acting on the structure of the skin but even more often the deeper cause of the problem; the skin, the key body, is indeed the mirror of our holistic balance.

The smart shopper seeking quality cosmetics will a fresh look at these solar and plant species that act on the skin, through the skin and beyond the skin and quickly integrate the unique dimension of essential oils. After dealing with the theory of essential oils, vegetable oils and skin, the author accompanies us through new formulas to prepare baths, massages, scrubs, moisturizers, cleansers, shampoos ... and treat many skin disorders .

Dominique Baudoux is a pharmacist, international speaker, leader of scientific aromatherapy, CEO Pranarôm, president of the International Aromatherapy College and author of many books including Aromatherapy, medicine by essential oils . He has designed and developed a cosmetic line that inevitably seduce aroma-enthusiasts. The ADAPTARÔM PRANALIXIR and products are the best resources.

Dominique Baudoux, for intelligent cosmetics - essential and vegetable oils, Amyris Editions, 207 pages
Hardcover, size 19.5 x 22 cm

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Comment (4) -
Comments from others countries
For smart cosmetic, D. Baudoux
> 65 years Gender
5 5

très bien conforme à mes attentes je recommende
For smart cosmetic, D. Baudoux
35-45 years Gender
4 5

Beaucoup de recettes intéressantes, mais pas mal de composants sont pas facile à trouver dans les magasins. Donc ça prend du temps pour avoir tous les ingrédients nécessaires parfois.
For smart cosmetic, D. Baudoux
45-55 years Gender
4 5

Un livre pratique et bien conçu, visuellement attractif. Un excellent complément aux ouvrages abordant les huiles essentielles.
For smart cosmetic, D. Baudoux
45-55 years Gender
4 5

Un livre pratique et bien conçu, visuellement attractif. Un excellent complément aux ouvrages abordant les huiles essentielles.
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