Aromatherapy body and soul, A. Bitsas

from Amyris
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Beyond treatment, essential oils do make feel emotions; That is why an essential oil is intended both for body and soul.

How to adjust aromatic complexity and human complexity

How to best adjust the aromatic complexity to human complexity; how to ensure that this issue complexity of a plant - to which we are obviously related - fits our current needs and act not only its properties but also as our inspiration homeostasis. Homeostasis is the ability of any living creature to keep all of its functions in balance despite the constraints and external aggressions.

Aromatherapy has gained acclaim as a technical - surprisingly reactive - care and treatment. But its definition is not limited to this aspect alone. Far more than in other disciplines, it is impossible to ignore the strong "aromatic identity" of its raw material, essential oil or gasoline, complex, volatile, intense, in contact with which the human feels systematically emotion. She never leaves indifferent.

No more than it is possible to ignore the plant and its environment, in which this raw material was developed, single "aromatherapy laboratory"; to consider the fact that, by its very complexity, aromatic essence is not a simple answer. It imposes to consider the human being in its entirety: "Body and Soul".

André Bitsas, Aromatherapy, Body and Soul. How to adjust aromatic complexity and human complexity, Editions Amyris, Unique Collection, 280 pages, 14x22,5 cm

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Aromatherapy body and soul, A. Bitsas
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Un.bon livre avec les aspects émotionnels
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