About Gemmotherapy
This website contains a significant amount of informations. It is not a medical website. The exempted reflections, cannot in no case to replace a consultation in a doctor or a therapeutist that it returns to you to contact for your follow-up.
The gemmothérapie is a field of the phytotherapy which uses the buds and the starts-up of trees and shrubs. They are collected in spring, one key time of their natural development cycle, and are prepared fresh in a mixture of water, alcohol and glycerin.The buds and starts-up are composed of embryonic fabrics under development full which contain all the power of the future plant; this is why they constitute true a concentrated of energy and vitality . They also contain active ingredients which will not be present any more in the adult plant. This explains the broad range of applications and the effectiveness of the macérats-mother or macérats glycerol-coated concentrates.““The gemmotherapy is therapeutic based on the development of the potential biological energy of the plants and minerals.”” Dr. pol. HenryThe gemmotherapy “was created by Dr. pol. Henry”, a Belgian doctor, in the Sixties. It published the result of its research and its clinical tests in 1970 and called this new therapy Phytoembryothérapie . This discipline was taken again and developed later on by “Dr. max Tétau”, a French homeopath, who called it Gemmotherapy . This word derives from Latin “gemmae” meaning at the same time bud from plant and precious stone. This name was universally adopted.Why the gemmotherapy is effective?
The buds and starts-up are composed of embryonic fabrics which contain all genetic information of the future plant. They are richer in nucleic acid and growth hormones that the other fabrics.“They also contain vitamins, trace elements and minerals as of other active ingredients which disappear as development from the plant…”As the gemmotherapy uses fabrics under development full, its remedies contain all the properties of the plant, i.e. at the same time the properties of the flowers, the sheets, the fruits, sapwood and the roots.Thus, the glycerol-coated macérat of buds of lime (Tilia tomentosa) have the sedative properties related to the flowers but also the cleansing and diuretic virtues of sapwood. The same applies to the extract of bud of hawthorn (Crataegus oxyacantha) who has the properties of the fruit.How to use the gemmotherapy?
The extracts of gemmotherapy are used in a broad range of applications and by people of any age, of the baby to the elderly person .Clinical research and tests were carried out to identify the properties of each bud and to determine their principal indications. All the species of the same family were tested and compared in order to determine which had the pharmacological effect most important. This explains why one uses Tilia tomentosa and not other species of lime.Chemical analyzes using the technique HPLC (High Performance Liquid Chromatography) made it possible to highlight the properties of the buds, starts-up and rootlets and to compare them with the properties of the adult plant.How to learn some more? Philippe Andrianne , Ed. Amyris, Bruxelles, Collection Douces Alternatives - 208 p. - 2002.Laurine Pineau , Ed. Leduc. S - 398 p.
This website contains a significant amount of informations. It is not a medical website. The exempted reflections, cannot in no case to replace a consultation in a doctor or a therapeutist that it returns to you to contact for your follow-up.