Gemmotherapy: Medicine of the buds
The gemmothérapy is the use of energy of the plants and minerals by using the buds plants resulting from “the organic farming” to create natural and effective remedies . (AB)
This website contains a significant amount of informations. It is not a medical website. The exempted reflections, cannot in no case to replace a consultation in a doctor or a therapeutist that it returns to you to contact for your follow-up.
Our essentials
General information : Gemmotherapy
Definition Branch of the phytotherapy , the gemmothérapy is a alternative medicine which uses embryonic fabrics vegetable in growth such as young person-growths, buds, rootlets, prepared by maceration in a mixture of water, glycerin and alcohol to obtain an extract which one names ““macérat glycerol-coated””.The word gemmothérapy comes from Latin ““gemmae””, which means at the same time bud and precious stone (allusion to the stability of the buds in winter like to their preciosity).A little history…The use of the buds , in the traditional pharmacopeia, goes with the Middle Ages , the era of the alchemists.But it is only in 1960 that a Belgian doctor, Doctor Henry (1918-1988) , takes as a starting point the discoveries on the embryonic cells of animal origin and provides the foundations of what it was going to name ““the phytoembryothérapy””.During years 1970 , the Doctor max Tétau , homeopath, renames ““the phytoembryothérapy”” in “gemmothérapy” , name now recognized and accepted.The gemmothérapy was developed then by Philippe Andrianne , founder of Herbalgem , and other European doctors.The gemmothérapy is a therapeutic method except for taking as a starting point the phytotherapy, but also of the homeopathic reflection. The embryonic extracts of the plants have a pharmacological activity good more important than the substances drawn from the adult plants.The blackcurrant, "the elixir of life"For instance, of blackcurrant of, they its of sheets of the wealth of known of recently of until and the vitamin pour C of of barks of its of in and micronutriments of the of, under 18th of was already recommended to century the name “of elixir Of fight” to support of longevity of the human.The phytothérapists prescribe :
- To reinforce the resistance of the organization to the viral and bacterial infections (influenza, infections of the respiratory tracts, diseases infantile, shingles, herpes…).
- To decrease the articular or sinewy ignition in osteoarthritis, generally in partnership with other food and plants.
- In the infectious tiredness post , in particular post flu but also post surgical and post radiotherapy.
- At allergic the , at which this activity of cortisone-like makes it possible to limit the use of drugs antihistamines and corticoids. This plant usefully will thus be prescribed in the event of hay fever, of asthma with repetition, allergic rhinitis…
For the babies, 1 to 3 drops per day in the feeding-bottle or via the mom which nurses.For the children up to 13 years, 3 to 8 drops per day, according to the problem. To start with 3 drops and to increase by drops each day until getting a stable result. Duration:
- In cure of 3 weeks consecutive then one week of stop, to make during 3 months to the maximum.
- For Sinugem, stop the complex as of the re-establishment.
This website contains a significant amount of informations. It is not a medical website. The exempted reflections, cannot in no case to replace a consultation in a doctor or a therapeutist that it returns to you to contact for your follow-up.