Shape & Control - shake protein strawberry and raspberry, 350 g

from Purasana
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This powder rich in proteins and low in greases enables you to prepare a healthy drink with the good taste of strawberry and raspberry.

Protein and fruity drink

The shake plant protein of Purasana is a new generation of protein powder, containing pea proteins easy to digest and rich in amino-acids. The content balanced proteins/glucids guarantees a better assimilation of the amino-acids. Supplemented with an extract of green tea, konjac and a green mix of spiruline, chlorella, grass of wheat and grass of barley, source of nutrients.


Mix 30-35 G of shake protein in 300-350 ml of milk, vegetable milk or fruit juice and shake 15 seconds in a shaker or an electric blender. Drink immediately or carry your drink on the road or with work.


pea Proteins, sugar of flower of coconut*, natural flavor taste mills/raspberry, powder of red beet*, lemon powder, konjac*, grass of wheat*, barley grass*, spiruline*, chlorella*, extracted from green tea*.
* Product resulting from the organic farming.
Gluten-free, without lactose, soya.

Average nutritional values by 100 G
Energy value1286 kJ/370 kcal
Fat content
of which
Saturated fatty acids
Fatty-acids mono-unsaturates/>Fatty-acids poly-unsaturates
3,2 g

0,5 g
0,5 g
2,1 g
of which
19,8 g

14,2 g
Fibres2,7 g
Proteins64,3 g
Salt2,9 g*
* of natural sodium

Special precautions

To preserve at dryness and to close again well after each use.


Box (350 G)

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Comment (5) -
Comments from others countries
Shape & Control - shake protein strawberry and raspberry
> 65 years Gender
4 5

Je ne l'ai pas encore goûté.
Shape & Control - shake protein strawberry and raspberry
> 65 years Gender
5 5

J'aime beaucoup le goût, la texture douce, cette gamme de produit me sert de petit-déjeuner, je n'ai pas faim dans la matinée. J'avais du mal à contrôler mon poids, j'ai rééquilibré mon alimentation, j'ai perdu et cet apport en protéines m'aide beaucoup à le stabiliser.
Shape & Control - shake protein strawberry and raspberry
55-65 years Gender
5 5

Goût très agréable
Shape & Control - shake protein strawberry and raspberry
35-45 years Gender
5 5

Très bien, conforme à mes attentes, je recommande !
Shape & Control - shake protein strawberry and raspberry
55-65 years Gender
4 5

Goût agréable et texture correcte
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