Mix Maca & Cacao BIO, 200 g

from Purasana
(Soon available)
Soon available

This mix of super food combine maca and cocoa to support your physical and intellectual performances.

This mix of super food combine maca and cocoa to support your physical and intellectual performances.

An energy delight come from the AndesThe powder Maca-Cocoa allows you booster rocket your food and to prepare a delicious nutritive drink.The maca supports the performances physical and intellectual, an energy source constitutes and stimulates the libido. The cocoa is rich in potassium, cogitates, magnesium, calcium, zinc and copper.This mix are added with powder of lucuma which reinforces the action energizing maca and has a pleasant sweetened taste, making it possible to neutralize the taste not always pleasant of the maca. You benefit thus with pleasure from the nutritive properties of this divine mixture.The maca Purasana is gelatinized, which means that the starch chains were broken to facilitate digestion and absorption of it.
To add 3 coffee spoons of Mix Maca-Cocoa in drink 300ml (smoothie, milk, fruit juice…) or to powder on a yoghourt or in a dish


Powders gelatinized biological maca (70%), biological cocoa powder (15%) and powders biological lucuma (15%) of Peru.Gluten-free, without lactose, soya.


Average nutritional values for 100g:
   energy value: 347 kcal/1453 kJ
   fat content: 2g
   glucids: 57,9g
   fibers: 27,03g
   proteins: 13,77g
   salt: 0,22g (natural sodium)
   vitamin C: 28mg (35%*)
   potassium: 502,5mg (25%*)
   calcium: 226mg (28%*)
   cogitates: 135mg (19%*)
   magnesium: 70,5mg (19%*)
   iron: 11,77mg (84%*)
   copper: 0,62mg (62%*)
  • Apport of reference for a adult-type.

Special precautions

To preserve at dryness and to close again the sachet well after each use.


Bag 200g

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Mix Maca & Cacao
45-55 years Gender
4 5

Je l avais commandé pour mes enfants, mais le goût est spécial d ou la note. Du coup c est moi qui le prend en le mélangeant au produit sport formula super food.
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