Christmas tea BIO, 17 sachets

from Yogi Tea
(Victim of his own success)
Victim of his own success

Enjoy the Christmas spirit with this infusion based on rooibos flavored with Ayurvedic plants and spices (cinnamon, orange zest, star anise, cloves ...).

A Christmas rooibos for magical celebrations

Yogi Tea celebrates the most festive time of the year with an Ayurvedic infusion with a good spicy taste. Rooibos, cinnamon and star anise offer you spicy flavors that ideally warm and accompany the Advent period, during which we remember with gratitude the most significant events of the year.


Yogi Tea sponsors the LiBeraturpreis (Poetry, Freedom and Human Rights Prize) awarded each year to authors from developing and emerging countries at the Frankfurt Book Fair. Part of the prize is given in the form of funding for the independent writing project for girls and young women from the winner's country of origin, allowing them to hope for a better future.


Rooibos *, cinnamon * (13%), licorice *, coriander *, honeybush * (6%), orange zest *, cloves *, black pepper *, anise *, dried lemon juice *, star anise * (3%), cardamom *, roasted chicory *, lime *, orange essential oil *, cinnamon oil *.
 * organic farming.


17 sachets.

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Comment (2) -
Comments from others countries
Christmas tea
45-55 years Gender
5 5

Très sympa pour la saison hivernale.
Christmas tea
35-45 years Gender
4 5

Super goût. Dommage qu'on ne le trouve qu'à Noël :)
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