Seeds germinate - Chickpea BIO, 200 g

from Germ'line
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Chickpea sprouting Germline is highly nutritious and energy. It has a smooth and consistent flavor.

Chickpea sprouting Germline is highly nutritious and energy. It has a smooth and consistent flavor.

Chickpea germinated
Sweet and consistent flavor, Chickpea seed to germinate Germline very easily. Very nutritious, it can be eaten as a main course.
Did you know?
Originally from the Middle East and eaten there for thousands of years, chickpeas have been cultivated in the 12th millennium BC. Nutritious and energy, chickpea is consumed since the dawn of time.


  • Quality Commitment industry: Germline selects the best producers-partners and favors short circuits.
  • The seeds to germinate Germline are subject to rigorous quality control, ensuring germ and nutritional properties of first choice.


Germination increases the natural content of vitamins seeds and promotes assimilation of minerals.


Degree of ease: quick and easy.
If you are new germination, we recommend the book sprouted seeds, living energy explosion Catherine Oudot: tips, recipes, explanations, etc.


  • Soaking time: 18 h
  • Germination time: maximum 3 days
  • Germoir advised: jar propagator or hotbed storey Germline


Germinated chickpea is consumed with a short germ (about 0.5 cm), precooked salad (scalding 5 to 10 minutes in a little water) or steamed as a main course.For a finer flavor, remove the envelopes before consumption.


100% sprouting seeds of chickpea (Cicer arietinum), from organic agriculture.Origin: Turkey.

Special precautions

  • Keep your seeds to germinate in their original packaging at room temperature in a dry place.
  • Your sprouts are best fresh. If you do not consume them immediately, keep them 4-5 days after harvest, in an airtight container in the refrigerator.
  • Packaged in a factory that uses nuts, cereals containing gluten, mustard.


Doypack (resealable bag 200 g)
Packaged in France

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Comment (8) -
Comments from others countries
Seeds germinate - Chickpea
45-55 years Gender
5 5

Très bien, service impeccable, soigneux et attentif. Je recommande !
Seeds germinate - Chickpea
55-65 years Gender
5 5

Correspond bien à ma commande
Large choix
Merci bcp
Seeds germinate - Chickpea
45-55 years Gender
5 5

pas encore mises en culture.
Seeds germinate - Chickpea
> 65 years Gender
4 5

les pois chiche sont des pois chiches, on aime ou on n'aime pas
Seeds germinate - Chickpea
> 65 years Gender
4 5

très bon ; j'ai les faire cuire un peu avant de les manger
Seeds germinate - Chickpea
55-65 years Gender
4 5

Très bien.

Le temps de trempage doit être plus long que mentionné.

48 heures...
Seeds germinate - Chickpea
55-65 years Gender
5 5

conforme aux attentes
Seeds germinate - Chickpea
55-65 years Gender
5 5

conforme aux attentes
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