Grapefruit seeds extract

Discovered in the years 1960, the Extract of grapefruit pips (or EPP) is a remedy impossible to circumvent for all those which are looked after with the naturalness. Antimicrobic and antifungal, it is a powerful purifying natural . Used by internal way, it fights the infections effectively (digestive, of sphere ORL, urinary…).

Source of vitality , the Extract of grapefruit pips stimulates the resistance of the organization and gives an effective support in the event of tiredness or of immunizing attenuation. In local use, the Extract of grapefruit pips also has many applications (mouth ulcers, mycoses, films…). It is always used diluted.

The Extract of grapefruit pips is rich in flavonoïdes , source important of antioxydants. One often uses it in organic farming like in gardening to fight against the moulds, the slugs, etc
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