Colloidal Silver

The colloidal silver is a natural product known and used since centuries for its antibacterial action with wide spectrum. In Antiquity for example, it was current at the noble ones and the sovereigns to use covers and containers silver in order to preserve germs. In the same way, the pioneers of the American West placed a silver coin in the content of their gourd to asepticize water.

The colloidal silver is an aqueous solution containing silver molecules of which size and the concentration were studied to make it possible the organization to absorb them and to use them in an optimal way.

The colloidal Silver is an excellent purifying of the skin and mucous membranes (stops, nose, ears…) and acts like healing on the wounds, burns and other scratches. He also exerts an action alleviating on cutaneous irritations and various problems of skin (erythema gluteus of the baby, eczema, psoriasis, urticaria…).It should on the other hand be known that the marketing of the colloidal silver for a use by internal way is currently not authorized in Europe, for lack of sufficient data making it possible European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) to come to a conclusion about its harmlessness.

The internal use of the colloidal silver nevertheless was approved in other countries, as the United States where FDA (Food and Drug Administration) validated its use as a food supplement. The colloidal silver would indeed make it possible to fight effectively the presence of undesirable bacteria in the organization.
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