Birch sap and birch juice

Collected in spring, the Sap of birch is a draining drink and remineralizing (calcium, phosphorus…) who counts very many followers. Rich person out of minerals, trace elements and amino-acids, the sap of birch stimulates the émonctoires (bodies in charge of the waste disposal) and helps the organization to get rid of the toxins .

One traditionally consumes it with the change of season, moment when the sap is freshest and where the organization, weakens by the winter, needs well a renewal of vitality . By purifying the body, the sap of birch also acts on the problems of skin , whose presence often indicates a toxin saturation.

By its action on the job functions of elimination, the sap of birch also fights the retention of water and the cellulitis . Do you want to lose a little weight? A cure of sap of birch also makes it possible to prepare the ground effectively during a mode slimming.

is plannedConsumed since the 12th century in Europe and North America, in particular to act on the articular and digestive problems, the fresh sap of birch has the consistency of water and a savor little pronounced.

The Juice of birch , as for him, comes from the sheets of the tree. One also uses it as food supplement with the cleansing properties. It helps to get rid of toxins and the water stored in excess in the organization.
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