Aloe vera

Aloe vera is an aloe species. This fatty plant which appreciates the dry areas and is satisfied with an arid ground hides in its sheets an invaluable gel used since Antiquity in many traditional medicines.

Applied to the skin, the gel of Aloe vera makes it possible to alleviate, hydrate and facilitates the regeneration of the fabrics (burns, cuts, cracks…). The juice and the gel of Aloe vera are also used in-house to alleviate the ignitions of the digestive sphere , to restore the balance of the intestinal flora and to support the elimination of the toxins in order to improve vitality of the organization.

Other varieties of aloe are also used for similar applications. Among them, Aloe ferox , which would contain potentially more active ingredients (amino-acid, polysaccharides) that Aloe vera traditional, and Aloe arborescens , a more massive variety of aloe which can reach 2 to 3 meters of high.

Whatever the variety chosen, it is advised to support the products obtained by cold extraction, because this technique makes it possible to better preserve the wealth of the natural components of Aloe.
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