Rosehip oil (CO2 extract) BIO, 30 ml

from Bioflore
(Coming on stock)
Coming on stock

Much more than an alternative to rose hip oil: Bioflore rosehip oil is a powerful cosmetic formulation on its own!

Rose Hipster: A Powerful Alternative to Rosehip

Rosehip and Chestnut rose are among the group of wild rose bushes. It is not surprising that there is a clear similarity between Chilean rosehip oil and this rosehip oil.

It contains the same essential fatty acids of the Omega 3, Omega 6 and Omega 9 series. But rosehip oil, with a pleasant fruity odor and an intense orange color, offers much higher doses of pro-vitamin a, carotenoids and vitamin E .DES then, rosehip oil is present not only as an alternative to oil rosehip when it is lacking, but it clearly plays in a higher category.


CO2 extraction is very productive without involving any solvent.


  • Rosehip oil is, like her rose hip, known for its deep action of cellular regeneration .
  • Carotenoids require, the rosehip oil will ideally prepare the skin before exposure to the sun , and preserve it from aging after exposure.


Used alone, this CO2 extract of incredible richness will be used in very small doses (a few drops if it is the face) taking care to make it fully penetrate. As part of the preparation of your cosmetics , the share of rose hips oil will not need to be high. Compared to the total volume of vegetable oil, 10% rosehip oil seems largely sufficient, for example in combination with apricot kernel oils or jojoba .


  • Devitalized skin
  • Dry skins
  • Cracked skin
  • dander
  • Rosacea
  • hyperpigmentation
  • Stretch Marks
  • Recent and old scars
  • Age spots
  • Sun burn
  • Acne
  • Eczema
  • Psoriasis
  • bedsores
  • ...


Vegetable oil of seeds and rosehip fruit ( Rosa canina ) extracted by CO2.
From controlled organic farming.


Amber glass bottle (50 ml).
Comment (2) -
Comments from others countries
Rosehip oil (CO2 extract)
55-65 years Gender
5 5

J'aime son odeur, son onctuosité, mais il vaut mieux la diluée car elle est tellement concentrée qu'utilisée seule, elle a tendance à "chauffer" la peau.
Rosehip oil (CO2 extract)
55-65 years Gender
5 5

En cours d utilisation .semble me convenir
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