Hydrolat of fine lavender (Lavand. Angustifolia) BIO, 200 ml

from Bioflore
(On stock)
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Lavender promotes healing, relieves sunburn, prevents lice and fleas and calm nervousness, impatience and aggressiveness.

Refreshing, soothing and softening

This hydrosol is recommended for sensitive skin of children and care of sunburns, irritations, burns, insect bites.

It is often used to treat acne or oily areas, to promote healing, to disinfect the buttons, and accelerate the renewal of cells cutanées.L'hydrolat lavender reveals the same finesse as the essential oil of the same name (Lavandula angustifolia). Much more than the Lavender, more "technical", the lavender hydrosol bears the mark of the harmony and moderation. Its aroma confirms: roundness characterizes much.


  • Soothing
  • Promotes healing
  • Purifying
  • Soothes redness, sunburn, itching and soothes irritation
  • Repels lice (and fleas)
  • Soothing, painkiller


  • Tonic and astringent for all skin care
  • Purifying and healing for acne-prone skin
  • Spraying after-sun body
  • Odor and refreshing spray for feet
  • Nervousness, agitation
  • Anger, aggression, impatience


  • In face lotion
  • In treatment , added to drinking water: soothing drink, harmonizing the nervous system. In this context, it is possible to mix it with other hydrolats acting in the same direction: Roman chamomile, neroli, ...
  • Prevention against lice: to spray on the scalp and behind the ears every morning
  • Fleas: Spray on the animal on his bed

The expiry date of your hydrolat seems you short?
This is in fact a guarantee of quality!
For the sake of clarity, the Bioflore hydrolats are micro-filtered and contain no additives, and therefore no preservatives.


Ideal to brighten salads yellow fruits (peaches, apricots, figs ...), flavor white meats, desserts and jams.


200 ml bottle
Origin: France
Certified organic by Certysis

This site contains a significant amount of information. This is not a medical site. The exempted reflections, can never be a substitute for a consultation with a doctor or therapist that you return for your follow-up contact.

Comment (45) -
Comments from others countries
Hydrolat of fine lavender (Lavand. Angustifolia)
35-45 years Gender
4 5

Le top comme hydrolat de lavande
Hydrolat of fine lavender (Lavand. Angustifolia)
35-45 years Gender
5 5

hydrolat qui sent bon
Hydrolat of fine lavender (Lavand. Angustifolia)
> 65 years Gender
4 5

utilisée en eau rafraichissante sur le visage
odeur pas très agréable, mais s'évapore vite
Hydrolat of fine lavender (Lavand. Angustifolia)
55-65 years Gender
5 5

conforme à mes attentes
Hydrolat of fine lavender (Lavand. Angustifolia)
25-35 years Gender
4 5

Je l'applique le soir après le démaquillage, il faut s'habituer à l'odeur un peu particulière mais ma peau semble apaisée après l'application, même si j'applique une crème hydratante ou un peu d'huile pour hydrater ma peau pendant la nuit.
Hydrolat of fine lavender (Lavand. Angustifolia)
55-65 years Gender
5 5

très bon en boisson ,lors de fortes chaleurs
Hydrolat of fine lavender (Lavand. Angustifolia)
> 65 years Gender
5 5

J'evaluerais l'efficacité
Hydrolat of fine lavender (Lavand. Angustifolia)
35-45 years Gender
5 5

Top, j'adore !!! Je l'utilise notamment pour prévenir les puces et les tiques pour mes chiens et c'est très efficace.
Hydrolat of fine lavender (Lavand. Angustifolia)
25-35 years Gender
5 5

J’ai commandé une eau florale de lavande fine et j’en suis très satisfaite ! Packaging en alu pour maximiser la bonne conservation de l´hydrolat, au top ! Je recommande
Hydrolat of fine lavender (Lavand. Angustifolia)
55-65 years Gender
3 5

L'odeur est particulièrement et il est difficile du coup de l'appliquer sur le visage
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