With these delicate fragances of lavender and rosemary, this mixture of oils essential to diffuse is ideal to found an environment of Provence.
Mixture of oils essentilles “Provence”: environment of Provence In the past “Scents of Provence”. Aromatic mixture very typified, in which the flowered notes of the lavender and those marry, air and round, of rosemary, the whole covered with soft a citrus fruits petrol zest. This velvety bouquet of odors, at the same time presents accents releasing and balsamic typical of summer walks in the garrigues of Provence. Provence synergy can be used in the diffusers of Pranarôm.
100% pure and natural essential oils: Lavandin Eucalyptus Rosemary Lemon tree.
Special precautions
To hold out of reach children.
Not to diffuse in the room of children of less than 2 years.
To take care of the choice of essential oils used (allergy, causticity, ).
To lay out the diffuser so of to avoid the direct contact with the face or the eyes.
odeur très agréable, on se croirait dans le sud de la France
Synergy “Provence”
> 65 years
Excellent produit mais moins cher chez mon pharmacien ,quel dommage car vous perdez des clientes .Je me servait toujours chez vous pour les fleurs de Bach .Vous n'avez même pas la politesse de faire un geste commerciale ni de répondre aux messages qui vous sont envoyer .Mme Coulot Marie Claire 84320
Synergy “Provence”
> 65 years
Je l'utilise tous les jours mais ce produit est moins cher à ma pharmacie .Dommage car je suis cliente chez vous ,j'attendrais qu'il y ait une promotion sur ce produit .Madame Coulot
This website contains a significant amount of informations. It is not a medical website. The exempted reflections, cannot in no case to replace a consultation in a doctor or a therapeutist that it returns to you to contact for your follow-up.