PranaBB - Mixture for "cleansing" diffuser BIO, 10 ml

from Pranarôm
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Baby breathes better thanks to this mixture of essential oils that purifies the air.

Baby breathes better thanks to this mixture of essential oils that purifies the air.

A fresh air for baby
“Microbes are trotted in the house … I want to protect baby.”

The mixture for “Cleansing” PranaBB diffuser contains 100% of ’ certified essential oils ORGANIC.The wood of Hô, the orange ’ sweet, the fir tree balsam tree, the niaouli and the lemon grass of Madagascar combine their properties to durably cleanse the ’ air of the room of baby who breathes better.The microbes are not welcome!


  • From 3 months
  • 3 drops in the diffuser “Sphera BB” especially conceived for the diffusion for baby
  • 30 minutes before laying down it


Use this mixture of essential oils in the ultrasonic diffuser PranaBB especially conceived for living spaces of baby.

Special precautions

  • Not to introduce.
  • To avoid the contact with the eyes.
  • To hold out of reach young children.
  • To preserve at the ’ shelter of any source of heat and the light


100% essential oils ORGANIC: Sweet orange, Wood of Hô, Fir tree balsam tree, Niaouli, Lemon grass of Madagascar


Bottle of 10ml
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