The lavender is a selection of lavender grown at a lower altitude than fine.Elle Lavender is stronger than the fine lavender periods of heat waves and gels, abundant in recent years. Its availability is more important, hence its moderate price.
It is also more versatile than the fine lavender and less specific on the psycho-emotional level.
The aroma that emerges is similar to that of fine lavender, but with less refinement and roundness. A little camphor, lavender but does not look so far at great lavender.
- cramps, contractures and muscle spasms
- stress, agitation, insomnia
- acne, eczema, burns, wounds, dermatitis, rosacea
- rheumatism
- nervous origin disorders: asthma, digestive spasms, nausea, migraine
Source: A. & D. Baudoux Zhiri, Chemotyped essential oils and their synergies , Inspired Development
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