Nard of the Himalayas Bio BIO, 5 ml

from Pranarôm
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Calming respiratory and cardiac, this essential oil is known ayurvedic traditional medicine.

Calming respiratory and cardiac, this essential oil is known ayurvedic traditional medicine.

An ingredient of ayurvedic medicine
Mentioned with many recoveries in the texts of the Gospels, Nard is undoubtedly the ’ one of the oldest Eastern perfumes. Known ayurvedic traditional medicine, its essential oil releases an odor timbered, musky, spiced, and of ’ humus in basic note.


  • calming respiratory and cardiac
  • phlebotonic
  • anti-inflammatory drug
  • antibacterial
  • stimulate the growth of the hair


  • tachycardia
  • anaemia
  • psoriasis
  • varixes, haemorrhoids
Source: A. Zhiri & D. Baudoux, essential Oils Chémotypées and their synergies, Inspir Development


  • External way: for the psoriasis, to apply 2 to 3 drops per day of ’ a mixture of 1 drop of ’ essential oil of nard, 1 drop of ’ essential oil of cedar of L ’ Atlas, 1 drop of ’ essential oil of noble camomile, 10 drops of ’ vegetable oil of musky pink.
  • Intern sees: consult your doctor.


  • For the palliative care, to mix 1 ml of ’ essential oil of nard, 1 ml of ’ essential oil of Hemlock spruce (Tsuga canadensis) and 3 ml of ’ vegetable oil of sesame. To apply 4 drops to the top of the feet and 3 drops in the palm of the left hand by massing center towards the periphery.
  • To fight against the hyperkinesy (driving hyperactivity, unverifiable need to move): to mix 2 ml of essential oil of true lavender, 3 ml of essential oil of Roman camomile and 2 ml of essential oil of nard. To locally apply 6 drops of the mixture, along the spinal column, 2 times per day, and 3 drops to the solar plexus morning and evening.

Special precautions

  • To hold out of reach young children.
  • This product cannot replace a balanced food mode.
  • Not to exceed the advised amount.
  • Except informed verdict, not to use during the pregnancy, breast feeding and for the children of less than 6 years.
  • To preserve safe from any source of heat and of light.
  • To use over one short period.
  • To avoid the contact with the eyes and the mucous membranes.


Nardostachys jatamansi
Aromatic molecule: calarene, aristolene, gurjunenes
Distilled part: the root
Origin: Nepal


Bottle of 5 ml, Pranarôm
Label Organic farming

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Comment (14) -
Comments from others countries
Nard of the Himalayas Bio
> 65 years Gender
5 5

super produit pour lutter naturellement contre l'insomnie
Nard of the Himalayas Bio
45-55 years Gender
5 5

Je suis habituée à ce produit que j'utilise contre les crises d'angoisses et attaques de panique !

Il est excellent.
Nard of the Himalayas Bio
55-65 years Gender
5 5

rien à dire c'est parfait comme indiqué
Nard of the Himalayas Bio
> 65 years Gender
5 5

Je l'associe à 2 gouttes d'huile essentielle de lavande vraie de la même marque.

L'air est purifié. L'odeur est apaisante.
Nard of the Himalayas Bio
> 65 years Gender
5 5

Toujours très satisfaite des huiles essentielles de Pranarom
Nard of the Himalayas Bio
45-55 years Gender
5 5

dur sur à supporter l'odeur.....

persévérez, il n'y a que ça à faire.

c'est une huile essentielle précieuse, indispensable dans le travail énergétique
Nard of the Himalayas Bio
55-65 years Gender
5 5

A mon gout toute la gamme des produits Pranarôm est excellente, produits de qualité irréprochables, je ne peux qu'en être enchantée :-)
Nard of the Himalayas Bio
> 65 years Gender
5 5

un lien majeur avec notre "ciel" !
Nard of the Himalayas Bio
55-65 years Gender
5 5

Voir ci-dessus, question 1.
Nard of the Himalayas Bio
45-55 years Gender
5 5

execellent produit, odeur envoutante, très cher mais vu les bienfaits, je ne regrette pas du tout
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