Mint of the fields Bio (Mentha arvensis) BIO, 10 ml

from Pranarôm
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Mint the essential oil of the fields is tonic, antiviral, antibacterial.

Mint the essential oil of the fields is tonic, antiviral, antibacterial.

Tonic and anticephalic
Originating of ’ Europe and cultivated since the ’ Antiquité, mints were diffused on all the sphere untill ’ in North America, Australia and also in Japan. The mint of the fields likes the wet ditches, marshes and meadows.


  • tonic stimulative (with low dose)
  • analgesics, anaesthetic
  • anticephalic
  • antiviral, antibacterial
  • relieving congestion


  • various pains
  • skin troubles
  • vomiting, constipation, digestive disorders
  • light respiratory affections (colds)
Source: A. Zhiri & D. Baudoux, essential Oils Chémotypées and their synergies, Inspir Development


  • External way: for the pains of ’ origin dental, to make a mouthwash with 3 drops of ’ essential oil of mint of the fields + 12 drops of ’ a dispersant in half glass of ’ water tepid.
  • Intern sees: consult your doctor.


With the daily newspaper, a few drops of ’ essential oil of mint of the fields diluted in the ’ vegetable oil of hazelnut in local application for tiredness, the biliary colics and nephretic, the evil of transport, the tooth aches, the migraines, céphlées, the sinusitises, …

Special precautions

  • To hold out of reach young children.
  • This product cannot replace a balanced food mode.
  • Not to exceed the advised amount.
  • Except informed verdict, not to use during the pregnancy, breast feeding and for the children of less than 6 years.
  • Amazing with high amount.
  • The frictions must be applied with precaution (very powerful effect cooling) and always diluted.
  • To avoid at the subjects suffering from hypertension.
  • To preserve safe from any source of heat and of light.


Mentha arvensis
Aromatic molecule: menthol, menthone, isomenthone
Distilled part: the air part
Origin: Vietnam


Bottle of 10 ml
Label Organic farming

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Comment (10) -
Comments from others countries
Mint of the fields Bio (Mentha arvensis)
45-55 years Gender
5 5

très bien . Jolie odeur
Mint of the fields Bio (Mentha arvensis)
5 5

Produit conforme à mes attentes.
Mint of the fields Bio (Mentha arvensis)
55-65 years Gender
3 5

pas d'avis pas encore utilisé
Mint of the fields Bio (Mentha arvensis)
> 65 years Gender
5 5

conforme à la description
Mint of the fields Bio (Mentha arvensis)
55-65 years Gender
5 5

Plus doux que la menthe poivrée
Mint of the fields Bio (Mentha arvensis)
55-65 years Gender
3 5

tres bon desodorisant d'intérieur
Mint of the fields Bio (Mentha arvensis)
55-65 years Gender
5 5

Bon rapport qualité prix
Mint of the fields Bio (Mentha arvensis)
35-45 years Gender
5 5

super, correspond totalement à mon attente
Mint of the fields Bio (Mentha arvensis)
45-55 years Gender
5 5

produits de qualité très bien
Mint of the fields Bio (Mentha arvensis)
45-55 years Gender
5 5

produits de qualité très bien
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