The essential oil of wintergreen lying is a remarkable anti-inflammatory, very popular with athletes, both before, while after exercise. It can only be used in massage.
- tendonitis, arthritis, rheumatism, osteoarthritis
- muscle cramps and spasms
- liver Fatigue
- headache
Source: A. & D. Baudoux Zhiri, Chemotyped essential oils and their synergies , Inspired Development
External: for arthritis, rheumatism, spasms, tendinitis: 3 drops of essential oil of wintergreen lying + 3 drops of vegetable oil hazelnut in anointing, 3 times a day.
To relieve rheumatism or osteoarthritis, massage locally with 3 drops of essential oil of wintergreen, 2 drops of essential oil of immortal and 5 drops of vegetable oil hazelnut . A repeat as needed.