Immortal (Helichrysum italicum), 5 ml

from Pranarôm
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To slip into the family case, this essential oil is astringent, healing and anti-bruise.

To slip into the family case, this essential oil is astringent, healing and anti-bruise.

Rare and invaluable
The ’ essential oil of ’ immortal is the natural product and plant which has the most powerful anti-bruise activity. Essential in the family case because it makes miracles, the ’ investment is worth the sorrow of it even if the price is high.


  • anti-bruise
  • anti-phlébitique
  • antispasmodic
  • anti catarrhal, mucolytic
  • astringent, healing
  • stimulative hepatopancreatic


  • bruise, phlebitis, œ dème
  • blotches, varicosities
  • rheumatisms, arthritis
Source: A. Zhiri & D. Baudoux, essential Oils Chémotypées and their synergies, Inspir Development


  • External way: in all the cases, locally compared to the ’ body targets to treat, from 2 to 8 drops of ’ essential oil of ’ immortal, according to the ’ extended and of the ’ importance of the ’ indication, in massage penetrating and repeated according to the needs.
  • Intern sees: consult your doctor.


On any bruise, with or without wound, the ’ repeated local application of ’ essential oil of ’ immortal will make miracles, especially in partnership with the ’ vegetable oil of ’ arnica.

Special precautions

  • To hold out of reach young children.
  • This product cannot replace a balanced food mode.
  • Not to exceed the advised amount.
  • Except informed verdict, not to use during the pregnancy, breast feeding and for the children of less than 3 years.
  • To preserve safe from any source of heat and of light.
  • Not to use at the people having problems of coagulation or under anticoagulant treatment, because this HE is expectorant blood.
  • Neurotoxic oil (contains ketones), which implies that its use is parsimonious so much in quantity ’ in duration.


Helichrysum italicum ssp serotinum
Aromatic molecule: Acetate of néryle, italidione
Distilled part: the flowered celebrity
Origin: Slovenia


Bottle of 5 ml

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Immortal (Helichrysum italicum)
55-65 years Gender
4 5

Pas encore assez de recul pour évaluer le produit
Immortal (Helichrysum italicum)
55-65 years Gender
3 5

je l'utilise tous les matins diluée dans de l'huile d'amande douce, pas de sensation de jambes lourdes mais je n'ai pas encore ressenti les effets sur les petits capillaires et varicosités sans doute parce que je ne l'utilise pas depuis longtemps
Immortal (Helichrysum italicum)
55-65 years Gender
5 5

Le produit à avoir chez soi.
Immortal (Helichrysum italicum)
55-65 years Gender
3 5

je l'utilise tous les matins diluée dans de l'huile d'amande douce, pas de sensation de jambes lourdes mais je n'ai pas encore ressenti les effets sur les petits capillaires et varicosités sans doute parce que je ne l'utilise pas depuis longtemps
Immortal (Helichrysum italicum)
> 65 years Gender
5 5

TB mais cher...
Immortal (Helichrysum italicum)
55-65 years Gender
5 5

Le produit à avoir chez soi.
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