Hyssop officinalis BIO, 10 ml

from Ladrôme
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The essential oil of hyssop officinalis Ladrôme can be very useful, broadcast, in cases of stress, anxiety or tightness.

The essential oil of hyssop officinalis Ladrôme can be very useful, broadcast, in cases of stress, anxiety or tightness.

Hyssop officinalis: softens the airways
The essential oil of hyssop officinalis Ladrôme can be very useful, broadcast, in cases of stress, anxiety or tightness.


  • Family: Lamiaceae
  • Origin: France
  • Part used: flowering top
  • Chemotype: trans-linalool oxide.
  • Extraction: steam distillation of water


Find more information on the data sheet in pharmacy hyssop:
EO Hyssop officinalis


  • Disinfectant, it soothes and softens the airways.
  • It helps clear the airways and breathe more freely.
  • Soothes and promotes purification of the skin.
  • Helps maintain energy and vitality.

Possible association

In the bath, to purify the skin, pour in the water about ten drops of hyssop officinalis, previously diluted in Disp'arome


  • Recommended use: distribution, alone or in synergy with essential oils of eucalyptus globular to ravintsara or niaouli, 1 / 4h 1/2 hours in the living rooms and in the room before bed.
  • Possible uses: inhalation, bath, massage.


Hyssopus officinalis var. * officinalis.
* Issue of organic farming.

Special precautions

  • Not recommended for pregnant and lactating women, the elderly and children under 12 years.
  • Keep away from heat and light


Brown bottle (10 mL) with dropper.
Black childproof cap.
Aluminum box.

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