Eucalyptus multiple bracts BIO, 5 ml

from Bioflore
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The essential oil of eucalyptus multiple bracts Bioflore helps fight external aggression, to evacuate mucus and reduces painful events.

Eucalyptus multiple bracts: antiviral essential oil

Among the many species of eucalyptus, eucalyptus multiple bracts presents a biochemistry that revolves around the cineole, the paracymene (a monoterpene), the spathulénol (a sesquiterpénol) but also cryptone (a ketone, around 5 %) and some aldehydes.


  • Botanical family Myrtaceae
  • Latin name: Eucalyptus polybractea cryptoniferum
  • Essential oil obtained by distillation of the leaves


The essential oil of eucalyptus multiple bracts:
  • Is antiviral and has a broad scope in this field.
  • Acts on painful joints.
  • Has a decongestant power.
  • Allows energy to spread in all directions.


Eucalyptus multiple bracts applies by slight anointing on wrists and solar plexus or light touches on the path of the lung meridian.


 Eucalyptus polybractea cryptoniferum
From organic farming: Control Certisys BE-BIO-01

Special precautions

  • The use of this essential oil requires caution, because of the presence of ketone.
  • The pregnant and lactating women should avoid using it.


Amber glass vial (5 mL)

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Eucalyptus multiple bracts
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pour les maladies tropicales : dengue
Eucalyptus multiple bracts
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