DoussColor 106 - Fair naturalness

from Beliflor
(On stock)
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Soft coloring Blond DoussColor naturalness is without paraben and ammonia. Its formula is enriched in natural active ingredients (keratin, oil of argan).

DoussColor 106 Natural Blond: delicat color délicate with innovating color and sure

Vous wish make darker, blonder ou sublime your natural color?
DoussColor is the natural color of the classic cream color. Its innovating formula and sure permit you to color your hair with:

  • SOFTLY: DoussColor is a sweet advised color for the sensitive scalps and the fragile hair.
  • EFFICACITY: DoussColor covers perfectly your white hair and offers to you a deep color for a long term
  • SECURITY: the colors DoussColor are garanteed without ammonia, parabens, resorcinol et p-Phenylenediamine (PPD).

The colors DoussColor are enriched in keratin et en oil of argan wich are nourishing deeply for brilliant and sweet hair.

Discover hierunder les 18 nuances DoussColor :


A few principle rules:
- Not to pass from a dark original color to fair! To remain in its natural base while varying from 2 to 3 let us tons as well dark as clear.- Not to increase the time of pause. The color will not take better,it risks contrary to transfering with the red.
- The obtained result can be observe always at the day light.
- One often tends to see oneself darker than reality


Read and follow the instruction of the notice.
To avoid the contact with the eyes. To rinse the eyes immediately if the product makes contact with those.
Not to use to color the lashes or the eyebrows.To wear the gloves provided for the application.
To rinse the hair well after the application.
It is obligatory to carry out the tests of allergy 48h before any application of a coloring, even if you already used products of coloring before.


Your limps of DoussColor coloring contains moreover a capillary bath balancing soft and a capillary mask nourishing to use after your color to nourish and relisser the hair.

Special precautions

Don't color your hair if:
-you present a skin eruption on the face or if your scalp sensitive, is irritated or damaged.
- you already made a reaction after having coloured your hair- you made in the past a reaction to a temporary tattooing containing henna

Keep out reach from children.
The capillary dyes can cause severe allergic reactions. To see and follow the instructions of the note.
This product is not intended to be used on the people of less than 16 years.
Black temporary tattooings containing henna can increase the risk of allergy


The box contains:
- 1 bottle applicator of 60 ml containing the emulsion revelating.
- 1 tube of delicate coloring cream of 41 ml
- 1 balancing bag of capillary bath soft of 15 ml
- 1 bag of capillary mask nourishing of 15 ml
- 1 pair of gloves
- 1 note.

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DoussColor 106 - Fair naturalness
35-45 years Gender
5 5

Donne un châtain clair
DoussColor 106 - Fair naturalness
3 5

je suis chatain, je voulais couvrir des cheveux blancs, le blond naturel a fait un chatain foncé, j'ai pas bien compris... mais bon c'est uniforme!
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