
To feel You well in your skin? That passes by daily body care with good products.Discover our broad range of care ORGANIC and natural for the body.

Our essentials


General information : Cosmetics

Face care

Focus on your face, to choose a good moisturizer you must know the standard of skin which you have.
The face must be cleaned morning and evening in order to remove it from the impurities present at surface (sebum, died skins, perspiration, dust, make-up…).

The cleaning product will be selected according to the standard of skin and the age , but also of the texture and the mode of use:

A normal skin

It is a well hydrated skin, fatty right what it is necessary. Rather fine, smooth, its pores are not hardly visible.
Thee normal skins can use a dermatological bread, a milk of toilet or a cleaning emulsion the evening.
The morning, a simple brumisation (to be dried using a Kleenex) or a tonic without alcohol will be enough.

A dry skin

It is a skin with the fine grain, which “draws”, and which tends to peel. It can be dry of nature, or the being become following badly adapted care.
The dry skins will use a milk of water or a cleaning emulsion rich in hydrating power.
The morning, a thermal spring brumisation will be enough.

A fatty skin

It is a skin with the dilated pores; the secretion of sebum is a question of hormones.
The fatty or mixed skins will have to use soft products which remove the excess of fat without draining the skin, morning and evening.

A mixed skin

It is a normal skin with dry, with the zone T (face-nose-chin) fatty.

A sensitive skin

It is an intolerant skin, which draws, stings, reddens easily.
The sensitive skins will use specific products (in pharmacy). At the end of cleaning, a thermal spring brumisation will alleviate the skin.


After having cleaned the skin, do not forget the tonic , to remove all traces of product and the excess of fat .

A daily hydration is essential, even for the fatty skins; the purpose of it is to reconstitute protective film hydrolopidic.
There still, the hydrating care will be to choose according to the type of skin and the age.
The “normal skins” will be satisfied with a light cream ; the “mixed skins with fatty” will be able to use emulsions matifiantes . The “dry and sensitive skins” will prefer the emulsions rich in alleviating power and ceramides (fatty molecules able to retain water).

Practically deprived of sebaceous glands, the contour of the eyes is particularly fragile. As of 30 years, daily apply a care contour of the eye, to make penetrate while tapping, without forgetting the eyelid.

This website contains a significant amount of informations. It is not a medical website. The exempted reflections, cannot in no case to replace a consultation in a doctor or a therapeutist that it returns to you to contact for your follow-up.