Complex n ° 21: Comfort, rupture BIO, 10 ml

from Biofloral
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This blend of Bach flowers brings comfort and courage to broken hearts: divorce, mourning, separation ...

Overcoming an emotional separation

The comfort complex provides an answer to people who suffer from a separation of emotional order (breakup, divorce, mourning). Biofloral's alcohol-free complex # 21 helps to cope with grief and get up and move forward. It is intended for all those who wish to achieve something else and have confidence in the future. The Bach flowers that make up this blend are specifically chosen to accompany people to overcome this ordeal.


Did you know? The 38 Bach flowers are made by Biofloral in the mountains of Auvergne according to the original method of Dr. Bach. They act by their subtle character in depth and help re-harmonize the psychic and energetic balance to overcome the excessive emotional states.


2 sprays under the tongue or in a glass of water, 4 times a day.
In case of need: 1 taken every quarter of an hour.
To take during 1 to 4 weeks.


Organic cane sugar * impregnated with organic Bach flower water * using the original method (Star of Bethlehem / Ornithogalum umbellatum, Walnut / Juglans Regia, Aspen / Populus tremula, Gorse / Ulex europaeus, Wild rose / Rosa canina, Honeysuckle / Lonicera caprifolium) at 1 / 240th. Alc. 27% vol.
 * ingredients from organic farming.


Bottle of 10 ml (organic granules).

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