Caprylic acid (Active ingredient)

Caprylic acid
The caprylic acid ( or octanoic acid) is a saturated fat acid which was first discover in goat's milk (from where its name of "caprylic" in which one finds the Latin root "capra" which means goat). The crapylic acid is also present in coconut, palm oil and maternal's milk.

This oily liquid is used in the manufacture of esters which intervene in perfumery and for the manufacture of pigments. But the caprylic acid is also used for its effects on the balance of the pH of the skin. Antifungal, it intervenes in certain food supplements intended to treat the candidiasis (yeast proliferation of the intestinal system).

Within the framework of a treatment against the candidiasis, it is important that the capsules of caprylic acid are “gastro resistant” so that they do not dissolve themself in the stomach but can reach the intestines where the candida is.
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