Beautiful Dreams Erasers BIO, 45 g

from Biofloral
(On stock)
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Your child is restless at night, he has trouble falling asleep? These gums with Bach flowers facilitate the return to calm.

A calm favorable to the passage of the sandman ...

The time to go to bed can be difficult for a child: fear blocking, sudden excitement, difficulty to sleep (sometimes simply due to too much fatigue) ...

Integrate Dream Dreams with your bedtime ritual to help your child sleep serenely. They contain Bach flowers that help soothe the agitations of the evening and promote the return of a climate conducive to falling asleep.


The Beaux rêve gums contain the following Bach flowers: mimulum, walnut, heliantheme, impatience, white chestnut and aspen.


Take 1 gum, 4 times a day (or in case of crisis: every 15 minutes).


Gum arabic *, agave syrup *, natural vanilla flavor *, Bach flowers *: mimulus * (Mimulus guttatus), walnut * (Juglans regia), pink rock * (Helianthemum nummularium), impatiens * (Impatiens glandulifera), white chestnut * (Aesculus hippocastanum), aspen * (Populus tremula).
 * ingredients from organic farming.


45 g tin box (about 45 gums).
Comment (3) -
Comments from others countries
Beautiful Dreams Erasers
45-55 years Gender
5 5

très bien pour les petits problèmes d endormissement notamment avant la rentrée...
Beautiful Dreams Erasers
45-55 years Gender
5 5

Une petite fille plus détendue au moment du coucher. Et, déjà deux bonnes nuits à "notre" actif ! Il n'y a que la vanille qui peut déranger si l'on n'est pas fan de ce goût.
Beautiful Dreams Erasers
35-45 years Gender
5 5

Mes filles adorent, les "bonbons magiques" ont définitivement intégré le rituel du coucher !
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