Rescue - Rescue Remedy spray (39), 10 ml

from Miriana Flowers
(On stock)
On stock

The rescue remedy help you in case of crisis or face a stressful situation.

The rescue remedy help you in case of crisis or face a stressful situation.

Rescue spray (n°39): problems to be solved quickly

The rescue helps to reduce the stress to cope with the tensions of the daily life with more calm (ex: to receive bad news, to pass an examination, maintenance of ambauche, crisis situation…).
Rescue is a mixture of 5 Bach Flowers:
  • Cherry Plum
  • Clematis
  • Impatiens
  • Rock'n'roll Pink
  • Star of Bethlehem


  • Ready to use in the event of concern and of situations of stress
  • Comfort and reassures


Dilute 2 drops in small glass of water and drinking with small mouthfuls.



Essences from flowers, alcohol 22%.


Bottle spray of 10 ml.
Miriana Flowers
Comment (7) -
Comments from others countries
Rescue - Rescue Remedy spray (39)
25-35 years Gender
5 5

Le produit fonctionne à merveille
Rescue - Rescue Remedy spray (39)
45-55 years Gender
5 5

Parfait et super pratique.
Rescue - Rescue Remedy spray (39)
55-65 years Gender
5 5

bon rapport qualité prix
Rescue - Rescue Remedy spray (39)
55-65 years Gender
5 5

très bien bonne marque
Rescue - Rescue Remedy spray (39)
> 65 years Gender
5 5

excellent produit qui aide lors de stress ou d'anxiété
Rescue - Rescue Remedy spray (39)
45-55 years Gender
5 5

utile en tutes circonstances ; à avoir sur soi en permanence !
Rescue - Rescue Remedy spray (39)
45-55 years Gender
5 5

utile en tutes circonstances ; à avoir sur soi en permanence !
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