Rescue Night Pearls, 14 capsules

from Rescue®
(On stock)
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Rescue relaxes and soothes, while White Chestnut helps to find a peaceful mind by getting rid of obsessive thoughts.

Rescue relaxes and soothes, while White Chestnut helps to find a peaceful mind by getting rid of obsessive thoughts.

For a peaceful sleep

Rescue® Night is a creation of Bach at base of ’ natural ingredients, which associates the five flowers of Bach already taken again in the original composition of Rescue® (Cherry Plum, Clematis, Impatiens, Rock'n'roll Pink and Star of Bethlehem), with the flower White Chestnut (White Chestnut tree), which takes part in nights harmonious.

Rescue® slackens and alleviates, while White Chestnut helps to find a spirit alleviated while getting rid of obsessing thoughts. It makes it possible to keep a ’ clear spirit and to spend a good night, in a completely natural way.

Rescue® Pearls Night is the new form of presentation of Rescue® Harms. It ’ is a melting pearl with the natural ingredients to remain serene in all circumstances.


  • Ready to use in the event of concern and of situations of stress
  • Comfort and reassures
  • To release the night
  • Meeting day before
  • Travel day before
  • Natural product
  • Without alcohol: is appropriate to the children


To let melt a Rescue® capsule Harms in the mouth before lying down.To renew during the night so necessary. Repeat the ’ operation while going to bed.
  • Each capsule contains the equivalent of 4 drops of Rescue Night
  • Rescue can be used over one long life
  • Can be used by all.
  • Not to exceed maximum proportioning (max. 10 capsules per day)


Oil of grape seeds, envelope capsules (gelatine of fish, coconut oil, wax carnauba), flavours naturalness ( ’ oil of orange ’, vanilla), agent of load (sorbitol), extracts of Bach Flowers: Helianthemumnummularium, Clematis vitalba, Impatiens will glandulifera, Prunus will cerasifera, Ornithogalum umbellatum, Aesculus hippocastanum (dilution 1/500), pectin.Contains fish gelatine.


14 capsules of 60 Mg in a packing blister

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Comment (39) -
Comments from others countries
Rescue Night Pearls
45-55 years Gender
5 5

Très bon produit efficace et facile à prendre
Rescue Night Pearls
55-65 years Gender
5 5

Conditionnement pratique
Rescue Night Pearls
> 65 years Gender
4 5

Ça fonctionne assez bien
Rescue Night Pearls
35-45 years Gender
2 5

ne fonctionne pas sur moi
Rescue Night Pearls
55-65 years Gender
5 5

Efficace, m'aide beaucoup
Rescue Night Pearls
55-65 years Gender
4 5

Je craignais que ce ne soit qu'une formule commerciale des Fleurs de Bach, mais je dois reconnaître que 4 fois sur 5 ces perles Nuit aident à dormir et pour plusieurs personnes de mon entourage, sans effet secondaire.
Rescue Night Pearls
55-65 years Gender
4 5

Bien et pratique comme présentation.
Rescue Night Pearls
> 65 years Gender
5 5

Lorsque je sens que j'aurai du mal à m'endormir, je prend une capsule et je me sens apaisée, je dors bien.
Rescue Night Pearls
> 65 years Gender
5 5

bien pratique et efficace pour mes nombreux réveils nocturnes
Rescue Night Pearls
> 65 years Gender
5 5

Facilité l'endormissement et très bonne qualité de sommeil. Pas de désagrément au réveil.
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