Complex No. 04: Protection BIO, 30 ml

from Deva
(On stock)
On stock

For emotional and impressionable; helps overcome insecurity.

Protection, openness to others and balanced sensitivity

A complex recommended for those who feel vulnerable to others and to their environment.

Protects disruptive environmental influences both psychic (thoughts or negative intentions) and physical (radioactivity, electrical and electromagnetic radiation, computers).

For the emotional, sensitive or easily influenced that tend to overly identify with their environment.

For those with extreme sensitivity leads them to isolate or to withdraw into themselves.

Helps to protect the ambient negativity and overcome insecurity.


  • Shake the bottle for about 10 seconds before each use, in order to boost flower essence.
  • Take 3 to 4 drops, 3 times a day in a glass of water or directly under the tongue, taking care to avoid contact of the dropper with the mouth.
  • Take or flower essences with regularity. In general, 1 taken at sunrise, 1 at bedtime and 1 or 2 others taken during the day.
  • If possible, take flower essences between meals, use of cigarettes and coffee (20 minutes).
  • For exceptional situations, it is possible to renew more frequently taken without any danger.
  • For cross cures, it is recommended to take flower essences for a 3- or 4 weeks.


We can also integrate flower essences in a cream or gel (Aloe vera, for example) for external use, or put a few drops in the bath water.


Bach Flower White Yarrow (Achillea millefolium), Yellow Yarrow (Achillea filipendulina) and Pink Yarrow (Achillea millefolium). Alcohol 20% vol.


30 ml bottle with dropper
Deva Laboratory
Organic Farming Label

This site contains a significant amount of information. This is not a medical site. The exempted reflections, can never be a substitute for a consultation with a doctor or therapist that you return for your follow-up contact.

Comment (9) -
Comments from others countries
Complex No. 04: Protection
45-55 years Gender
5 5

Grand produit de qualité,rapide, efficace et indispensable pour la protection émotionnelle
Complex No. 04: Protection
> 65 years Gender
5 5

les composés Deva sont géniaux et efficaces
Complex No. 04: Protection
45-55 years Gender
5 5

Très bon élixir de protection qui permet d'être protégé des énergies négatives de l'environnement et de retrouver joie et bien être. Dommage que cet élixir n'intègre pas l'élixir ail sauvage qui permet de renforcer le mental pour mieux le protéger du vampirisme émotionnel des pervers narcissiques. Malgré tout,l'élixir protection reste très efficace et performant.
Complex No. 04: Protection
45-55 years Gender
5 5

Excellent produit, conforme à mes attentes.Cet elixir protège avec grande efficacité créant ainsi un véritable bouclier de protection physique et psychique.Etant une personne hypersensible soumis à beaucoup de négativité (jalousies, Pervers narcissiques, attaques psychiques etc...), je recommande cet elixir chaudement et vous confirme son efficacité.
Complex No. 04: Protection
45-55 years Gender
5 5

Satisfait, conforme à mes attentes.
Complex No. 04: Protection
> 65 years Gender
5 5

je m'en sers depuis des années ...cet elixir fait bien son travail
Complex No. 04: Protection
> 65 years Gender
5 5

traitement de fond, donc je continue, super produit
Complex No. 04: Protection
45-55 years Gender
5 5

Très satisfait cependant je suis hypersensible et je vis avec une personne très négative. L'elixir permet de controler ma sensibilite mais la protection n'est pas assez forte contre cette avalance de négativité! dommage.
Complex No. 04: Protection
45-55 years Gender
5 5

Je le recommande avec satisfaction
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