Star of Bethlehem (n°29), 20 ml

from Fleurs de Bach Original
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The Star of Bethlehem (Star of Bethlehem - n°29) is addressed to the people who underwent an emotional or physical shock

The Star of Bethlehem (Star of Bethlehem - n°29) is addressed to the people who underwent an emotional or physical shock


Star of Bethlehem addresses himself to the after-effects of an emotional or physical shock consecutive to an accident, bad news, a mourning, sudden disappointments, fears, etc… It is about an important component of Rescue, very useful as well for the mother as for the child immediately after the birth.
Ideally taken immediately after the event, it is also excellent if the ’ emotion is always present years after the event. The people can be still under the shock and isolate themselves, in the grip of a feeling of sorrow or sorrow.
The ’ positive effect of Star of Bethlehem is the neutralization of the effects of the shock, which they immediately appear or after a certain time, thus helping the person who suffers to recover, to find the consolation.
NB: this plant is also known under the name of Dame d'Onze Heures.

Special precautions

Have a varied and balanced diet at the same time. Keep out of reach of young children. For all the family. Keep away from fire and light.


Dilute two drops in water glass and drink it with regular intervals. Repeat if necessary.
For a combined use, add two drops of each selected Flower (max. seven) in a bottle to mixture of 30ml, fill it with mineral water and take four drops of the mixture at least four times per day.
If necessary, the Flowers of Original Bach can be directly versed on the language or rubbed on the lips, behind the ears or on the temples and wrists.
You can use the Flowers of Original Bach as often as wish it to you. If you are disturbed, it may be that only one amount is sufficient. If your state is persistent, you can use the Flowers as a long time as you need some.


Aqueous extract from Ornithogalum umbellatum (dilution 1/500), alcohol 27%.


Bottle of 20 ml with pipette dropper.
Floral elixir n°29
Original Bach Flowers

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Comment (273) -
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Comments from others countries
Star of Bethlehem (n°29)
55-65 years Gender
5 5

Très bien, conforme à mes attentes, je recommande !
Star of Bethlehem (n°29)
35-45 years Gender
5 5

Je ressent bien les effets
Star of Bethlehem (n°29)
45-55 years Gender
4 5

En accord avec ce que j'attendais
Star of Bethlehem (n°29)
45-55 years Gender
5 5

J ai commencé à prendre la fleur star of Bethlehem en début d après midi à raison de 2 gouttes à chaque fois, je dois dire que je suis bluffée, je ressens ce soir déjà un apaisement , les angoisses ont disparues avec un moral qui revient . Je vais continuer mon traitement sur plusieurs jours .
Comments from others countries
Star of Bethlehem (n°29)
55-65 years Gender
5 5

My favorite Bach herbal remedy. I always keep it at home or in my purse for big and small emergencies.
Comments from others countries
Star of Bethlehem (n°29)
25-35 years Gender
2 5

Ça a plus le goût d alcool que de fleur. Bref c'est pas super bon
Star of Bethlehem (n°29)
55-65 years Gender
5 5

Pas encore essayé.
J'ai acheté plusieurs flacons de fleurs de Bach pensant traiter plusieurs émotions en même temps mais finalement au dernier moment j'ai préféré tester une seule émotion pour voir le résultat.
Du coup je prends juste Horbeam et j'en suis ravie.
Comme j'ai vu que cela me convenait parfaitement je prendrai par la suite un mélange des autres fleurs que j'ai achetées.
Star of Bethlehem (n°29)
55-65 years Gender
5 5

Très bien, conforme à mes attentes, je recommande !. j'en commanderais d'autres
Star of Bethlehem (n°29)
45-55 years Gender
5 5

un indispensable conforme à mon attente :)
Star of Bethlehem (n°29)
5 5

Très efficace pour moi et testé par une amie qui valide.
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