Gorse (n°13), 20 ml

from Fleurs de Bach Original
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The flower of Bach Gorse helps with positiver and to keep hope during a disease.

The flower of Bach Gorse helps with positiver and to keep hope during a disease


Gorse fights major despair; it is appropriate for those which ceased fighting because ’ they ’ believe in it more. They can suffer from a chronic disease, and learned that one could nothing any more make of other to help them, or sometimes they are persuaded that their disease is hereditary and thus incurable. They feel condemned to the pain and with the suffering and do not try to better be. They will test various treatments to please their close relations but will remain convinced that they will not make any effect.
Dr. Bach said to the people of the Gorse type: “They look to need sun in their life to drive out the clouds.”
The positive aspect of Gorse gives a feeling of confidence and hope, in spite of the presence of physical or moral problems. The patient feels merrier, happier and can make use of the disease like positive experiment. In the least serious cases, it can feel in the process of re-establishment. It finds confidence ’ a solution will be able to occur.

Special precautions

Have a varied and balanced diet at the same time. Keep out of reach of young children. For all the family. Keep away from fire and light.


Dilute two drops in water glass and drink it with regular intervals. Repeat if necessary.
For a combined use, add two drops of each selected Flower (max. seven) in a bottle to mixture of 30ml, fill it with mineral water and take four drops of the mixture at least four times per day.
If necessary, the Flowers of Original Bach can be directly versed on the language or rubbed on the lips, behind the ears or on the temples and wrists.
You can use the Flowers of Original Bach as often as wish it to you. If you are disturbed, it may be that only one amount is sufficient. If your state is persistent, you can use the Flowers as a long time as you need some.


To carry out your own mixtures, discover our range of bottles out of brown broad neck glass which facilitate the filling.Choose also the system of proportioning which is appropriate to you: pipette dropper or codigoutte adapted to the viscosity of your preparation


Aqueous extract from Ulex europaeus (dilution 1/500), alcohol 27%.


Bottle of 20 ml with pipette dropper.
Floral elixir n°13
Original Bach Flowers
Comment (42) -
Comments from others countries
Gorse (n°13)
55-65 years Gender
5 5

Pas encore essayé.
J'ai acheté plusieurs flacons de fleurs de Bach pensant traiter plusieurs émotions en même temps mais finalement au dernier moment j'ai préféré tester une seule émotion pour voir le résultat.
Du coup je prends juste Horbeam et j'en suis ravie.
Comme j'ai vu que cela me convenait parfaitement je prendrai par la suite un mélange des autres fleurs que j'ai achetées.
Gorse (n°13)
> 65 years Gender
5 5

Toujours aussi efficace en urgence
Gorse (n°13)
55-65 years Gender
5 5

Conforme à la description
Gorse (n°13)
55-65 years Gender
5 5

Produit utilisé depuis des années, toujours efficace (à un prix quand même élevé)
Gorse (n°13)
55-65 years Gender
5 5

NEANMOINS LE PRIX A RELATIVEMENT AUGMENTE (dans le commerce, il approche presque mais sûrement le même tarif : attention à la concurrence, car avec vous il faut ajouter les frais de port !)
Gorse (n°13)
55-65 years Gender
5 5

Très bien . Je recommande
Gorse (n°13)
55-65 years Gender
5 5

Conforme à mes attentes
Gorse (n°13)
> 65 years Gender
4 5

Rien à redire ........................pour l'instant
Gorse (n°13)
55-65 years Gender
5 5

Produit acheté depuis quelques mois et toujours conforme à mes attentes
Gorse (n°13)
55-65 years Gender
5 5

conforme à mes attentes, efficace
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