Clematis (n°9), 20 ml

from Fleurs de Bach Original
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The Clematis is used in the event of disinterest for the present and misses ambition.

The Clematis is used in the event of disinterest for the present and misses ambition.


Clematis is appropriate for those which live in a world with them with little ’ interest for the present. The children of the Clematis type have difficulty concentrating, not for lack of innate capacities, but because they tend to daydream.
Dreamer, the Clematis type is often artistic but does not succeed in expressing its talent in a practical and concrete way. He aspires to better days, but does not make however any effort to arrive at the desired change. As its spirit is elsewhere, one could believe ’ it does not have much memory. He falls asleep deep sleep easily, and can be somnolent in the course of the day.
He likes to be alone and prefers to withdraw himself to avoid any confrontation. When it is sick it does not make any effort to be restored. It is sometimes large romantic. Clematis is appropriate to somebody who lost a expensive being, languishes for him and aspires to join it. Because of an insufficient concentration, he suffers sometimes from a lack of coordination and can be predisposed with the accidents.
The positive potential of Clematis is the love of life and a lively interest for the world around oneself. Positive the Clematis type often shows inspiration and carries out its creative potential, in particular in art, the drawing, the fashion, the occupation of writer or therapeutist. Realistic and the feet on the ground, it has a goal in the life and recognizes that the future is worked by the present.

Special precautions

Have a varied and balanced diet at the same time. Keep out of reach of young children. For all the family. Keep away from fire and light.


Dilute two drops in water glass and drink it with regular intervals. Repeat if necessary.
For a combined use, add two drops of each selected Flower (max. seven) in a bottle to mixture of 30ml, fill it with mineral water and take four drops of the mixture at least four times per day.
If necessary, the Flowers of Original Bach can be directly versed on the language or rubbed on the lips, behind the ears or on the temples and wrists.
You can use the Flowers of Original Bach as often as wish it to you. If you are disturbed, it may be that only one amount is sufficient. If your state is persistent, you can use the Flowers as a long time as you need some.


To carry out your own mixtures, discover our range of bottles out of brown broad neck glass which facilitate the filling.Choose also the system of proportioning which is appropriate to you: pipette dropper or codigoutte adapted to the viscosity of your preparation.


Aqueous extract from Clematis vitalba (dilution 1/500), alcohol 27%.


Bottle of 20 ml with pipette dropper.
Floral elixir n°9
Original Bach Flowers
Comment (38) -
Comments from others countries
Clematis (n°9)
55-65 years Gender
5 5

conforme a la demande
Clematis (n°9)
45-55 years Gender
5 5

Envoi conforme et rapide
Clematis (n°9)
> 65 years Gender
5 5

Également dans le mélange Rescue
. Très utile pour les enfants rêveurs et ayant un manque d'attention en classe.
Clematis (n°9)
55-65 years Gender
3 5

bien mais encore cher
Clematis (n°9)
> 65 years Gender
4 5

Je recommande ce produit.
Clematis (n°9)
35-45 years Gender
5 5

J'ai donner à mon enfant et super contente du résultat
Clematis (n°9)
55-65 years Gender
5 5

Correspond à toutes mes attentes
Clematis (n°9)
45-55 years Gender
4 5

Satisfaite du produit
Clematis (n°9)
35-45 years Gender
5 5

Correspond vraiment aux attentes
Clematis (n°9)
45-55 years Gender
5 5

fonctionne très bien
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