The night activity - Cat 54 Globuli BIO, 20 g

from Edis Pets
(On stock)
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This remedy made up of 6 flowers of Bach is addressed to the cats which are agitated systematically the night, preventing their boss from sleeping.

For a better night cohabitation with your cat

As of doesn't the come night, your cat cease roving about in the house and systematically preventing you from sleeping? Cat 54 Globuli is a remedy 100% naturalness ready to use which uses the Bach flowers to help your animal to make evolve positively its behavior, by helping it to find a better balance emotional.

This remedy is for your cat if:
  • it miaows during the night,
  • it climbs on the bed and claims caresses,
  • it request constantly to re-enter and leave.
In short, it disturbs you whereas you would like to sleep!

Easy to proportion and manage, the remedy “The night activity ” is presented in the form of particularly small granules which are accepted without problem by all the animals.

The flowers used for its manufacturing come the heights not polluted in the Swiss Alps and are collected with the hand, at the most point of their natural energy, according to the directives of Doctor Bach.


Nutritional value averages for 100g:
- energy: 1711 kJ/410 kcal
- lipids: 0 g
- glucids: 99.5 g
- proteins: 0 g
- salt: 0 G


Mix with the food or the water of your animal or manage the granules directly in its mouth.

  • Animals of less than 1 kg : 3 granules, 3 to 4 times per day.
  • Animals of 1 to 5 kg : 6 granules, 3 to 4 times per day.
  • Animals of 5 to 15 kg : 10 granules, 3 to 4 times per day.
  • Animals of 15 to 50 kg : 15 granules, 3 to 4 times per day.
  • Animals of 50 to 100 kg : 20 granules, 3 to 4 times per day.
  • Animals of more than 100 kg : 30 granules, 3 to 4 times per day.

The duration of the processing is to be adapted to the need for the animal. The remedy can be used as a long time as necessary.


99% sugar (saccharose globuli) *, 1% extracts of Bach flowers* (Wild oat, Vervain, Impatiens, Chicory, Heather, Cherry plum).
*resulting of the organic farming.

Without alcohol, Vegan, without lactose, glycerin, conservative.


Bottle of 20 G (approximately 10,000 granules) in a case out of paperboard.
Edis pets

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Comment (10) -
Comments from others countries
The night activity - Cat 54 Globuli
1 5

Ce produit n'a aucun effet sur mon chat. Et en plus le dosage est très difficile à faire.
The night activity - Cat 54 Globuli
45-55 years Gender
5 5

Je recommande ce produit. En quelques jours, mon chat est devenu bien plus calme la nuit, comme le jour. Globules très petits, donc faciles à mélanger avec la nourriture.
The night activity - Cat 54 Globuli
35-45 years Gender
4 5

Efficace les 3 premières semaines sur mon chat
The night activity - Cat 54 Globuli
45-55 years Gender
1 5

Très déçue, n'a marché sur aucun de mes chats, même en augmentant les doses.
The night activity - Cat 54 Globuli
> 65 years Gender
5 5

Je donne ces granules tous les jours à notre minette de 19ans 1/2 qui miaulait beaucoup la nuit et, depuis, beaucoup moinds de miaulements et de stress dûs à l’âge. Nous sommes très satisfaits de ce produit.
The night activity - Cat 54 Globuli
25-35 years Gender
5 5

Ce mélange fonctionne sur notre chat qui a cessé de miauler toutes les nuits.
The night activity - Cat 54 Globuli
> 65 years Gender
5 5

bon produit les miaulements du chat le soir se sont calmé
The night activity - Cat 54 Globuli
35-45 years Gender
5 5

En cours de traitement mais depuis l'utilisation mes chats ne grattent plus a la porte de la chambre et ne troublent plus le sommeil des autres
The night activity - Cat 54 Globuli
45-55 years Gender
1 5

Complètement inutile
The night activity - Cat 54 Globuli
45-55 years Gender
5 5

Les fleurs de Bach sont efficaces mais elles n'agissent pas immédiatement, il faut plusieurs jours de prise avant de voir les effets, en tout cas maintenant on peut dormir ce qui n'était pas le cas avant :)
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