Aspen 02 Bach Flower Animal, 10 g

from Miriana Pet
(On stock)
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To relieve the "trembling fear"

To relieve the "trembling fear"


The body, the soul and psyche of animals are not a unit, as in humans. According to Dr. Bach a disturbance of the balance between these elements can lead to a behavioral disorder or a disease in itself.

The emphasis is not placed on the symptoms but the cause of the behavior of the animal.A From this analysis, you can understand diseases and behavioral disorders as a cry of body, mind and the soul. Disturbances psychologically animal, unresolved conflicts ... The accumulation of these unsolved problems will affect the body, sooner or later.

At this point, give a Bach flower: thanks to the positive impact of emotional and psychological level, there will be a harmonization of the whole animal. Behavioral disorders and diseases can be influenced.

The use of Globuli, small beads consisting of sucrose allow the manufacture of Bach flowers without alcohol or lactose. The preparation of Globuli, ie small pellets of sucrose, glucose and fructose association with dyes was developed by Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843), a founder of homeopathy.

Bach Flowers MirianaPet have been developed on the specific needs of the animals. Moreover, the main characteristic of Bach Flower brand Miriana Pet is a handicraft production, by hand, without any emotional influence, physical and / or chemical, ensuring the production of the highest quality of Bach Flowers. They are also consistent with the rules and guidelines of Dr. Bach.

The animal is afraid of all sorts of things. Often he shuddered in his sleep, he trembles in fear.

  • Bach Flowers Globuli Miriana Pet are 100% alcohol free
  • Handmade Original (handmade and traditionally)


weight of the animal - Daily Amount Globuli MirianaPet
  • Up to 30 kg: 1 Globuli XPAR 3 day
  • 30-60 kg: 2 Globuli 3x daily
  • 60-90 kg: 3 Globuli 3 x daily
  • 90-120 kg: 5 Globuli 3x daily
  • More than 120 kg: 5 Globuli 3x daily


Populus tremula
Alcohol-free, lactose


Bottle of 10 gr Globuli
Bach Flower No. 02
Pet Miriana

This site contains a significant amount of information. This is not a medical site. The exempted reflections, can never be a substitute for a consultation with a doctor or therapist that you return for your follow-up contact.

Comment (29) -
Comments from others countries
Aspen 02 Bach Flower Animal
> 65 years Gender
5 5

je recommande , ma chienne se trouve mieux moins anxieuse .
Aspen 02 Bach Flower Animal
55-65 years Gender
5 5

avec Mimulus, incontournable pour les animaux. Reste a savoir si la formule en granule est aussi efficace
Aspen 02 Bach Flower Animal
> 65 years Gender
5 5

Je suis satisfaite des produits Hélianthème-Rock rose 26 Fleur de Bach pour Animaux 10 g et Tremble-Aspen 02 Fleur de Bach pour Animaux 10 g. Je trouve que mon chien est moins anxieux.
Aspen 02 Bach Flower Animal
25-35 years Gender
5 5

Mélange fait avec le numéro 26 rock rose - recommandé par un comportementaliste pour un chien anxieux. Les petits comprimés ronds sont très facile à ajouter à la gamelle
Aspen 02 Bach Flower Animal
55-65 years Gender
4 5

Cela a apaisé mon chien ,
Aspen 02 Bach Flower Animal
45-55 years Gender
5 5

très bon produit, efficace
Aspen 02 Bach Flower Animal
> 65 years Gender
4 5

Posologie en français serait souhaitable
Aspen 02 Bach Flower Animal
4 5

Ce produit fonctionne bien pour 2 chats mais pas pour le 3ème ! !
Aspen 02 Bach Flower Animal
> 65 years Gender
3 5

une formule en goutte pour les animaux, c'est + simple
Aspen 02 Bach Flower Animal
35-45 years Gender
3 5

Réception rapide...mais efficacité des produits sont nuls, rien ne fonctionne sur mon chien, aucun changement ou amélioration
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This website contains a significant amount of informations. It is not a medical website. The exempted reflections, cannot in no case to replace a consultation in a doctor or a therapeutist that it returns to you to contact for your follow-up.