White Chestnut 35 Bach Flower ALCOHOL FREE, 20 g

from Miriana Flowers
(On stock)
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Against the physical and moral exhaustion. The Bach flower essence will restore your strength and vitality.

Against the physical and moral exhaustion. The Bach flower essence will restore your strength and vitality.

Find strength and vitality


The use of Globuli, small beads consisting of sucrose allow the manufacture of Bach flowers without alcohol or lactose. The preparation of Globuli, ie small pellets of sucrose, glucose and fructose association with dyes was developed by Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843), a founder of homeopathy.
Moreover, the main characteristic of Bach Flower brand Miriana Flowers is a handicraft production, by hand, without any emotional influence, physical and / or chemical, ensuring the production of high quality Bach Flowers. They are also consistent with the rules and guidelines of Dr. Bach.
The Bach Flower Bach White Chestnut - White Chestnut is for incessant concerns that seem uncontrollable. These people fail to get rid of disputes, sad moments or thoughts that they continue to live in their heads.
Rumination and obsessive and harassing thoughts go round and round like a broken record, disturbing the mind. It is difficult to concentrate during the day or sleep at night. The person who needs White Chestnut - Chestnut white may therefore seem inattentive, or not respond when spoken to.
The positive potential of White Chestnut - Chestnut white is peace of mind. The ideas are clear, and became master of his thoughts, it can be applied to reflect constructively to solve problems
  • Miriana Bach Flowers Globuli are in 100% alcohol free
  • Ideal for children
  • Handmade Original (handmade and traditionally)


Take 1-2 Globuli of each species (maximum 6 or 7 by mixing species), three times per day.
They can also be dissolved in a glass of water.


Aesculus hippocastanum
Alcohol-free, lactose


Bottle of 20g Globuli
Bach Flower No. 23
Miriana Flowers
Comment (6) -
Comments from others countries
White Chestnut 35 Bach Flower ALCOHOL FREE
45-55 years Gender
5 5

Top!!je recommande très efficace merci !!
White Chestnut 35 Bach Flower ALCOHOL FREE
55-65 years Gender
4 5

j'aime le produit, seul bémol la sélection de 4 granules n'est pas aisée
White Chestnut 35 Bach Flower ALCOHOL FREE
55-65 years Gender
5 5

White Chestnut 35 Bach Flower ALCOHOL FREE
45-55 years Gender
3 5

J'ai découvert les fleurs récemment, mai j'en suis assez satisfaite dans l ensemble. Etant donné que je suis de confession musulmane, je suis ravie de trouver la version sans alcool, et cela reste tout de même efficace. Ces fleurs ont été commandées pour ma s?ur, donc c'est difficile de donner un avis...
White Chestnut 35 Bach Flower ALCOHOL FREE
55-65 years Gender
5 5

White Chestnut 35 Bach Flower ALCOHOL FREE
45-55 years Gender
3 5

J'ai découvert les fleurs récemment, mai j'en suis assez satisfaite dans l ensemble. Etant donné que je suis de confession musulmane, je suis ravie de trouver la version sans alcool, et cela reste tout de même efficace. Ces fleurs ont été commandées pour ma s?ur, donc c'est difficile de donner un avis...
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