Star of Bethlehem (29), granules without alcohol BIO, 19 g

from Biofloral
(On stock)
On stock

Peace, peace, consolation after a shock.

Peace, peace, consolation after a shock.


Star of Bethlehem in the composition of the first emergency essence (rescue) to mitigate the effects of shocks: a loss, accident, bad news. The trauma is sometimes so strong that the effects are felt until years later.
To be used in case of emotional or physical shock, distress or discouragement linked to bad news.
The effects of the shock must be fully taken into account and not trivialized. The Star of Bethlehem helps to recognize and remove all residual blockages so that the mind and body can regain balance and comfort.
Bach Flowers are a registered trademark.Our flower essences are made according to the method of Dr. Bach.


100% organic ingredients: sucrose impregnated solar infusion of flowers to 1 / 240th.
The use of granules allows to offer a range of Bach Flower without alcohol (child-friendly).The granules are impregnated with mothers of Bach flower essences, according to a know-how developed by Biofloral allowing the alcohol to evaporate completely after impregnation. It remains in purpose that energy vibration flowers.


Choose one or several flower essences according to your emotional state:
  • 3-4 granules in a glass of water or directly under the language, this 4 times per day, before meals and at night before bed.
  • Duration: punctually, on several weeks or several months for a thorough treatment. In case of crisis, increase the doses until every quarter of an hour.


Elixir floral # 29
Bottle of 10 gr
Organic Farming Label
Comment (22) -
Comments from others countries
Star of Bethlehem (29), granules without alcohol
4 5

Fait effet au bout d'1 semaine. Sommeil retrouvé, joie et bonne humeur.
Star of Bethlehem (29), granules without alcohol
> 65 years Gender
3 5

Ce produit n'a eu aucun effet sur moi
Star of Bethlehem (29), granules without alcohol
45-55 years Gender
5 5

Conforme à mes attentes, à voir au fil du temps
Star of Bethlehem (29), granules without alcohol
4 5

Produit bien choisi tout à l'air de rentrer dans l'ordre...l'espoir est là
Star of Bethlehem (29), granules without alcohol
55-65 years Gender
4 5

Très bon produit. Attention, le nom et no de fleurs ont tendance à s'effacer. Au bout d'un moment, on ne voit plus l'indication. J'ai recopié ces informations avec un stylo indélébile.
Star of Bethlehem (29), granules without alcohol
5 5

Je l'ai sous la main en cas de difficultés
Star of Bethlehem (29), granules without alcohol
25-35 years Gender
4 5

Produit très bue., seul petit point négatif tout c'est effacé sur l'étiquette je ne sais plus quel est le produit car j'en ai commandé 2.
Star of Bethlehem (29), granules without alcohol
45-55 years Gender
3 5

Parfait qd on ne supporte pas l'alcool.
Star of Bethlehem (29), granules without alcohol
55-65 years Gender
4 5

J'utilise régulièrement ce mélange de fleurs de Bach.
Star of Bethlehem (29), granules without alcohol
35-45 years Gender
2 5

Déçu, n'a eu aucun effet sur moi... J'ai voulu tester une dernière fois un traitement homéopathique, mais apparemment ils ne fonctionnent pas sur moi. Je me dirige donc vers les huiles essentielles.
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