Cherry Plum (No. 6), granules without alcohol BIO, 19 g

from Biofloral
(On stock)
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Worried about reason and act badly? The flower of Bach Prunier helps let go without losing control.

Worried about reason and act badly? The flower of Bach Prunier helps let go without losing control.

Lucidity and composure


Key Emotion: fear of losing self-control.The elixir of plum suitable for suicidal or destructive behavior. Dr. Bach wrote: "For fear that the mind is overburdened, the cowardly reason for that commit acts of frightening and dreaded, unwanted and knows that one wrong, yet the thought and impulse to do arise. "Plum helps to relax without it means losing control, the mind is then free to move forward. As a climber, you sometimes drop a decision in order to reach the next and continue to rise.Feelings correctly staged: trust, serenity.Source: Small Wellness Guide. Floral essences. NO SHAWBach Flowers are a registered trademark.Our flower essences are made according to the method of Dr. Bach.


100% organic ingredients: sucrose impregnated solar infusion of flowers to 1 / 240th.The use of granules allows to offer a range of Bach Flower without alcohol (child-friendly).The granules are impregnated with mothers of Bach flower essences, according to a know-how developed by Biofloral allowing the alcohol to evaporate completely after impregnation. It remains in purpose that energy vibration flowers.


Choose one or several flower essences according to your emotional state:
  • 3-4 granules in a glass of water or directly under the language, this 4 times per day, before meals and at night before bed.
  • Duration: punctually, on several weeks or several months for a thorough treatment. In case of crisis, increase the doses until every quarter of an hour.


Elixir floral # 6
Bottle of 10 gr
Organic Farming Label
Comment (10) -
Comments from others countries
Cherry Plum (No. 6), granules without alcohol
45-55 years Gender
4 5

pour tous les produits commendes je suis très satisfaite du résultat, emballage soigneux et toujours dans les délais .
Cherry Plum (No. 6), granules without alcohol
45-55 years Gender
3 5

je le donne à mon chien mais je ne vois pas trop les effets
Cherry Plum (No. 6), granules without alcohol
5 5

Aide à dissiper la colère! très utile!
Cherry Plum (No. 6), granules without alcohol
35-45 years Gender
5 5

Permet d'apaiser efficacement le sentiment de colère
Cherry Plum (No. 6), granules without alcohol
45-55 years Gender
5 5

Conforme à la commande
Cherry Plum (No. 6), granules without alcohol
45-55 years Gender
5 5

Très bien. Super pour mon petit enfant de 9ans
Cherry Plum (No. 6), granules without alcohol
> 65 years Gender
3 5

A voir pour ce qui est de l'action.
Cherry Plum (No. 6), granules without alcohol
35-45 years Gender
5 5

D'une manière générale je débute seulement mon traitement par les fleurs de Bach mais confiante puisque je me sais déjà bien réceptive aux traitements homéopatiques
Cherry Plum (No. 6), granules without alcohol
35-45 years Gender
1 5

Déçue, les granules sont tous collés les uns aux autres, comme ci ils avaient pris l'humidité. Ce n'est pas la première fois que ça m'arrive.

Du coup je ne suis pas sûre de renouveller une prochaine commande

Cherry Plum (No. 6), granules without alcohol
35-45 years Gender
5 5

D'une manière générale je débute seulement mon traitement par les fleurs de Bach mais confiante puisque je me sais déjà bien réceptive aux traitements homéopatiques
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