Propolis, totally natural, strengthens the immune system.
Complete and totally natural
Cousine honey, propolis is also made by bees from their secretions and resins they collect from the buds. Transported in the baskets of the back legs, just like pollen, these resins are used by masons from the back to the hive; once transformed into propolis, they serve as mortar patching and sealing to the structures of the hive, but also coating smoothing and sanitizing varnish to the cells where the queen will lay.Propolis directly in the rough can chew; however, it is generally used after purification, mixed with other substances. Rich in vitamins A, B, C and E, it is full of many trace elements such as manganese, selenium, iron and magnesium. It increases cellular metabolism and effectively stimulates the body's defenses.
Strengthening the immune system
Disorders of the respiratory system (nose, throat, ear)
Effective against colds
Recommended in winter and when the throats and airways are more sensitive
The junior propolis is weaker than propolis "classic" because it contains more than glycerin. The dosage is the same as for normal, always adapting according to the age of the child. CHILDREN (from 3 years):1 drop in honey (or 1 teaspoon syrup), 1 to 3 times per day.Do not put in water.
Special precautions
Not recommended for pregnant women (presence of essential oils)
Propolis, 10%
Alcohol: 50% vol.
Echinacea plant
Oil of Lemon Grass (Cimbopogon citratus)
Oil of common Cinnamon (Cinnamomum zel.)
Essential oil Tea-tree (Melaleuca alternifolia)
Oil of Niaouli (Melaleuca quinquenervia)
Essential oil of Eucalyptus expunged (Eucalyptus radiata)
Utilisé depuis de nombreuses années pour ma fille, super efficace!
Propolis broad spectrum Junior
Laurence K.
45-55 years
Indispensable dès les premiers signes de rhume.
Propolis broad spectrum Junior
Nathalie W.
45-55 years
alcoolisé pour les enfants, juste pas possible
Propolis broad spectrum Junior
Nathalie W.
45-55 years
pour ce qu'il est stipulé pour enfants à partir de 3 ans !! surtout pas en donner, c'est fortement alcoolisé…
à lire les commentaires je me suis dit mais non ca ira et ben je l'ai tester avant d'en donné à ma fille de 6ans heureusement
vraiment dommage car les bienfaits du Propolis ne se discutent plus
Propolis broad spectrum Junior
Isabelle F.
55-65 years
indispensable pour passer l'hiver !
Propolis broad spectrum Junior
Christine L.
45-55 years
junior a partir de quel age exactement ?
Propolis broad spectrum Junior
Charlotte D.
55-65 years
efficace, mais très mauvais goût. Difficile pour les enfants d'avaler même avec de la grenadine!
Propolis broad spectrum Junior
Christiane B.
> 65 years
Excellente efficacité
Propolis broad spectrum Junior
Karine S.
45-55 years
Je ne peux pas le donner à mes enfants car il contient de l'alcool...
This website contains a significant amount of informations. It is not a medical website. The exempted reflections, cannot in no case to replace a consultation in a doctor or a therapeutist that it returns to you to contact for your follow-up.