Pipettes repellents SPOT-ON - Medium-sized dogs

from Verlina
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Cocktail of botanical active ingredients to protect your dog against fleas, ticks, lice, mosquitoes ...

1 dose = 1 month of tranquility

Extract compounds from plant and vegetable oils, SPOT-ON pipettes ready to use have an efficiency of 100% vegetable.

Known for its highly repellent, extract Margosa repels biting insects (ticks, fleas, lice, mosquitoes, sand flies ...) and mites sustainably protecting the dog.


  • For medium-sized dogs (12 to 30kg).
  • Usable on the puppy from 3 months.
  • A pipette corresponds to a dose of 1.5 ml.
  • Action Duration: 1 month / pipette.


There are also SPOT-ON pipettes:
  • Small dogs (12-30 kg).
  • Large dogs (over 30kg).


  • Pour the contents of a pipette on the dog's skin behind the head by drawing a line on the back until the birth of the tail.
  • The active ingredients contained in the pipette diffuse and permeate naturally peeling.
  • Repeat after one month with the second pipette.


Biocide TP19 class.
Active Ingredient: Extract Margosa (CAS: 84696-25-3) - Concentration MA: 8%.
Other ingredients: vegetable oil and vitamin E.
Product not tested on laboratory animals.

Special precautions

  • Use biocides safely.
  • Before use, read the label and product information.
  • Store between 5 and 40 ° C.


2 pipettes of 1.5 ml in transparent packaging

This site contains a significant amount of information. This is not a medical site. The exempted reflections, can never be a substitute for a consultation with a doctor or therapist that you return for your follow-up contact.

Comment (9) -
Comments from others countries
Pipettes repellents SPOT-ON - Medium-sized dogs
45-55 years Gender
4 5

parfait pour mes toutous
Pipettes repellents SPOT-ON - Medium-sized dogs
> 65 years Gender
5 5

Tres bien, efficasse et bio.
Pipettes repellents SPOT-ON - Medium-sized dogs
35-45 years Gender
2 5

Sent mauvais mais n'a pas empêché la morsure de plusieurs tiques dans les jours qui ont suivi.
Pipettes repellents SPOT-ON - Medium-sized dogs
> 65 years Gender
2 5

inéfficace, reprends produit vétérinaire
Pipettes repellents SPOT-ON - Medium-sized dogs
45-55 years Gender
5 5

Pr le moment aucun parasite en vue
Pipettes repellents SPOT-ON - Medium-sized dogs
> 65 years Gender
3 5

il se gratte et n a pas de puce , je l amene au veto a moins que ce soit des piqures de moustiques
Pipettes repellents SPOT-ON - Medium-sized dogs
> 65 years Gender
5 5

n'a pas été utilisé encore
Pipettes repellents SPOT-ON - Medium-sized dogs
> 65 years Gender
4 5

J'ai choisi ce produit parce qu'il est composé d'extraits de plantes, sans insecticide donc moins nocif pour le chien et la famille. Son efficacité me parait bonne, à confirmer sur le long terme.
Pipettes repellents SPOT-ON - Medium-sized dogs
> 65 years Gender
4 5

J'ai choisi ce produit parce qu'il est composé d'extraits de plantes, sans insecticide donc moins nocif pour le chien et la famille. Son efficacité me parait bonne, à confirmer sur le long terme.
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This website contains a significant amount of informations. It is not a medical website. The exempted reflections, cannot in no case to replace a consultation in a doctor or a therapeutist that it returns to you to contact for your follow-up.