Anti bed bugs - Healing, 500 ml

from Verlina
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Shock treatment for immediate action, to use in case of heavy infestation.

Curative shock treatment

Bed bugs are small biting insects and bloodsuckers who come out of hiding at night.

This Anti-tack Verlina is a cure shock recommended if strong presence of these parasites.

It is formulated from active materials of plant origin (and pyrethrum extract margosa), known for their strong insecticidal actions, it can remove bed bugs at all life stages (egg, larva, adult).

The best: its use spread into the surrounding environment fresh and pleasant smell of plant extracts and essential oils.


  • Ready to use
  • Immediate Action
  • Does not stain
  • Pleasant odor


Specifically designed to treat homes, hotels, campsites, lodges, guest rooms, recreational homes, retirement homes ...


Shake before use and spray on areas to be treated:
  • Bedding: sheets, blankets, duvets, pillows, mattress (both sides), box spring ... The environment close to the bed (bedside table, lamp ...).
  • The room: all corners, baseboards, cracks, splits, holes, cabinets, closets, dressers, wardrobes, curtains, frames, flooring or paneling grooves ...
We recommend making a full treatment from onset of bedbugs.
Repeat this treatment until their disappearance.


Biocidal product. TP18 class. Active ingredients: pyrethrum (CAS No. 8003-34-7), Margosa extract (CAS No 84696-25-3), complex of essential oils (flavoring agents).
MA Concentration: 1% pyrethrum, margosa 0.1%.

Special precautions

  • Biodegradable components (OECD 301 D).
  • Biodegradability of active materials by photo-oxidation in air and light.
  • Use biocides safely
  • Before use, read the label and product information


Spray-500ml Spray

This site contains a significant amount of information. This is not a medical site. The exempted reflections, can never be a substitute for a consultation with a doctor or therapist that you return for your follow-up contact.

Comment (13) -
Comments from others countries
Anti bed bugs - Healing
35-45 years Gender
5 5

Le produit a permis de débusquer et tuer pas mal de punaises de lit. Toutefois je le recommande en association à d’autres techniques de lutte: aspirateur, vapeur chaude, congélateur, lavage à 60 degrés.
Anti bed bugs - Healing
45-55 years Gender
1 5

Totalement inefficace, de plus la pompe était défectueuse.

Ayant offert ce produit à un couple de personnes âgées, je suis vraiment très embarrassée.
Anti bed bugs - Healing
55-65 years Gender
5 5

super produit , tout bien traiter a fond plus une punaise de lit
Anti bed bugs - Healing
55-65 years Gender
4 5

Bon produit, efficace sans trop de désagrément.
Anti bed bugs - Healing
5 5

cela a très bien marché et j'ai réussi à les éliminer grâce au produit
Anti bed bugs - Healing
> 65 years Gender
5 5

plus de punaises avec ce produit, elles sortent de leur cachette et meurent
Anti bed bugs - Healing
4 5

doit on laver les vêtements draps couettes oreillers après vaporisation?
Anti bed bugs - Healing
> 65 years Gender
3 5

Difficile de combattre les punises de lit.Tres agreable
Anti bed bugs - Healing
45-55 years Gender
5 5

Un produit efficace et de qualité
Anti bed bugs - Healing
45-55 years Gender
5 5

100% anti punaise rien a dire
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This website contains a significant amount of informations. It is not a medical website. The exempted reflections, cannot in no case to replace a consultation in a doctor or a therapeutist that it returns to you to contact for your follow-up.