Aboiements Excessifs BIO, 130 granules

from Kosmeo
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Ce complexe va aider votre chien a faire une sélection des événements qui méritent d'être réellement signalés par l'aboiement.

Bach flowers excessive barking

Boredom, loneliness, fear, overprotection, lack of instinct, change of situation, various noises ... are all factors that can trigger excessive barking in your dog.
This Bach flower complex will allow your animal to better manage and select the events that truly deserve to be reported in order to protect its territory.
This mixture of Bach flowers will help your dog to channel his emotions by giving him confidence to prevent him from unwanted barking.

As animals are very sensitive to alcohol, this easy-to-dose remedy in the form of organic granules is formulated without alcohol and is particularly suitable for animals.


The Excessive Barking Complex helps the animal to:
  • adapt to new changes
  • regain peace and self-confidence
  • temper their emotions (jealousy, fear, lack of attention ...)


Kosmeo organic Bach flowers are available in the form of granules which allow you to retain the vibrations of the flowers without using alcohol.
Kosmeo flower essences are prepared according to the original method of Dr. Bach, combined with chromotherapy.


  • Small animal: 2 pellets, 2 to 3 times a day.
  • Medium-sized animal: 3 pellets, 2 to 4 times a day.
  • Large animal: 4 pellets, 2 to 4 times a day.
Extreme concentration - 1 granule = 2 drops of mother elixir


Brown sugar *, aqueous infusion of 1: 240 flowers ( Calluna vulgaris *, Fagus sylvatica *, Aesculus camea *, Mimulus guttatus *, Ceratostigma willmottiana ).
 * ingredients from organic farming.


Tube with distribution system for easy dosing.
Tube of 6g (approximately 130 granules).

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Aboiements Excessifs
> 65 years Gender
4 5

cela a l'air de fonctionner mais j'attends plus de temps pour me prononcer vraiment
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